Do Funcom care for PVP community?

Do you even take into account pvp players in the process of introducing changes?

Are You have remote idea what You did to pvp player by changing not only spear but movment ?

Not Yours anymore


Yes, they do. Quite often actually.

Yes they are aware. They removed the spear meta where every single person out there was poking with spears and virtually nothing else. This is nothing new. This is not even new to this company. This is EXACTLY done while taking pvp players into account when they introduced the change. :woman_facepalming:

Is this actaully ****ing hard to understand? :woman_shrugging: They are as heck weren’t going to change the spear, the meta defining weapon of choice in pvp, because of…RP!

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It is whispered that the new meta PvP style will be short sword + shield :rofl:

Let’s see what future brings to us.

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Well there will always be a new meta, and I don’t think that short sword + shield has ever been the meta before so that’s not a bad thing. It will be adjusted in the future if it becomes as utterly dominate as the spear poke roll meta was.

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First dont blame world cus You suck at it! :upside_down_face:

Spear was not op, bow is OP can 2-3 hits You.
Spear was ONLY way to catch bow players while they inifite roll cus of its range, GL chacing bow with shordsword or axe :rofl:.
Spear was ideal for teamfights as it has no AOE efect like axe, sword hammer so You dont hit ur clan mates.
Spear is skillfull compare to other weapons cus of its small hitbox, but ok cry about it.

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Meanwhile bows remain stronger than ever because all melee weapons got nerfed.


Instead of removing or destroying one of the best movesets in the game to make it worse. They should probably looked into the other movesets to make them stronger instead.

Second, if roll poking was the main issue, and always been, I would also suggest them to not change stamina from how it was to how it is.

Third, all weapons meta is roll hit now. Also bow (wich has the most insane dmg and range). But as soon people mentioning anything about that, they get jumped on.

Instead of taking the lazyiest path on things they should maybe start do something the harder way instead. But they are not competent enough to do so sadly. This game is doomed for a lot of the players. Except the bunch of people that just want the nudity and some building constests + some lost souls. :slight_smile:

It’s a shame, I was already dissapointed by just looking at the test live, you cant keyboard aim anymore and weapons that were week are weaker now, I have never seen a player doing a full combo on any weapon even when the opponent was cornered, its kinda lame and I hope Dune comes out so the talented devs return to Conan and fix this mess.

Vil is 100% correct in what he is saying, and I have no clue where you play, but to me, it sounds like you play official servers where Q-lock was a thing (it’s not anymore).

I’m quite a new player myself, but the overall sentiment of the private PvP community of this game is that every time there’s a new update to the game, we are the ones drawing the short straw every time.

I can totally understand your frustration with the spear if you are playing on official servers.
But even then, the issue is not the spear in itself :face_with_diagonal_mouth:.

The combination of a highly precise weapon that has good reach and Q-lock made it super frustrating to play against, since the Q-lock takes away everything that makes the spear skillful.

I have, in my time of playing this game, maybe heard that there’s an issue with the spear 2–3 times. Usually it is from people who do not enjoy using the weapon at all, and it’s not aimed towards the ones that do.

I find it very strange how the solution to a non-existant problem that doesn’t really exist outside Q-lock is to totally gut the weapon, which, by the way, made an actual broken weapon mostly uncontested now, Bow.

Rather than nerf it, they should take inspiration from what they have created when it comes to the spear and figure out how they could elevate other weapons to compete with the viability of the spear.

Because as it stands right now, there is nothing stopping me from just running away from a fight as I get low as a bow enjoyer, or rather, any weapon in the game, since that is exactly one of the things that made the spear so good… The pure chasedown power of the weapon.

This is coming from a bow abuser. btw, I love the bow. But I won’t have any fun if I just steamroll people without competition, except, of course, other bow enjoyers :slight_smile:

Also, did I mention,



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You said you would never stop playing spear.

Greetings from Training Server

The new movement is hard to do precision hits so pokey weapons of any kind are affected. 2h axes will dominate now because mauls never caught on. Axe and shield may make a comeback as well but the stamina costs of the axe still isn’t a value

First, don’t spout ignorance because you literally know nothing at all. :woman_shrugging:

Did you even read anything that I wrote? Clearly you did not, because you would have noticed that not once did I ever make any claim that spears were “OP”. They were, however, the meta, which is exactly what Funcom was attempting to adjust for. How difficult of a concept is this for you to understand?

As for bows. Nope. Wrong again. Bows are not actually OP at all. It is one specific perk that MAKES bows this way, but the bows themselves most assuredly are not. This again shows your complete lack of understanding of what you are actually talking about. So no, bows are not OP, it is the combination of an extremely long range weapon with a specific perk that is OP. Remove, adjust, or even, shudders nerf that perk and not only will bows no longer become OP but you would solve several issues. BUT to many people rely on this perk for other “builds” so of course they aren’t going to cry about that now are they?

Please show me one instance where I have cried about spears. I would love for you to do so. By all means, search the forums going back to early access and you will literally find ZERO post of me crying about spears, or even complaining about them. So perhaps you should stop making things up and asserting them as facts and remove yourself from your little fantasy world because we would love to welcome you to reality one day.

Well, most people would suggest that. :rofl: But the fact is they aren’t going to revert stamina so they ARE going to make changes to the weapons to fit within the new stamina system. Again, this is not a difficult concept.

Mainly because people are not actually looking at the issue, which is not the bow. As I stated above, it is the perk that makes the “bow OP”, but the bow itself, without that perk, is really not that great at all. And hell, without the target lock, bows would be even worse (so would daggers), and I’ve been saying for years that target lock should be removed. So, rather than attempting to destroy a weapon for the sake of “solving” the result of a problem, maybe you should look into attempting to solve the root cause of the problem instead?

Yeah and “if wishes were horses we’d all be eating steak.” You know full well that Funcom is always going to take the easiest way of doing things, and when it comes to “adjustments” (aka nerfs) they are going to apply them with extreme prejudece.

Vil has literally no clue what he is talking about sadly. Although if they have finally removed target locking I have missed that update note and that is fantastic!!! But no, I most assuredly do not play on officials.

Nope, the spear was not an issue at all. It was however the meta which is what they were attempting to adjust. Which is the entire point of this post. They were attempting to adjust the PVP META, which clearly contradicts the OP’s post that they do not take pvp into consideration when they do anything, because they did this exclusively for the sake of adjusting the PVP META! They did not make this change to spears for PvE, or RP, or any reason other than PVP.

Completely agree, what is why the two weapons which have been the meta the most have been spears and daggers, and have also been “adjusted” the most over the years as a result. And yet, the simple removal of the target lock would have reduced their viability considerably. And the new perk system in Age of Sorcery and the new stamina system in Age of War combined to **** things up even worse.

However, instead of pointing out that perk X is the issue, people flood to the forums to cry about weapon Y or weapon Z and demand those to be nerfed. They use weapon Z exclusively on officials as well (well, about 85% or more so basically) and so the devs say “hey there is a problem with this weapon lets adjust it”. But the devs SUCK at adjusting weapons and always have. Yet the root problem still exist and has gone unmentioned (by the majority of people). :woman_shrugging:

AND… once again the issue behind the bow is ignored while another person cries for a perfectly fine weapon to be nerfed. :woman_facepalming:

The fact is just simple, if I want to play Tank, then I download World of Tank, why Funcom making characters thats slow, that imprecise.

The fighting were great with feature of 2nd Chapter, 3rd Chapter is just awfull, just so so so so so bad, I have no words to tell you how bad it’s.

I don’t want my character is slow as a tank, I want a fluid gameplay dynamic, not to waste like a second for my character to return, we don’t need to make a bad copy paste of other games. Conan Exile was unique in it gameplay and mecanics, which is great, really great, please funcom look at all content’s creators telling that patch is bad and just rollback it.

You forgot to mention the ability to turn during attacks. Because before that you had to aim and predict. Now it’s just Target Lock once then 2 buttons in repeat: dodge roll + right click.

I have mentioned this here multiple times that the bow is too strong.
I ate so much poop here everytime, because the average Conan player is simply not able to use the bow to it’s full extent, because it requires a bit more skill than target lock + right click with melee weapons.

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And the 50% AP arrows are fine? Also the craftable Khari Bow which has better stats than most legendaries?

How so? I have never used target lock and got many kills with bow in PvP. And I am not even a bow main.

Daggers are overnerfed. I suggest making them faster to compensate the low damage.

Lmaoo, i love the salty roll and pokers crying. I was one of them but GOD it was the worst meta ever. Glad that it is gone.

Now they need to do something about bow meta, and then we are dope. PvP will be as it was meant to be, meaning you will actually dip into other weapon types instead of sticking to spears and bows.

How is rolling and heavy attacking constantly fun? Chapter 2 combat was literally rolling and poking simulator.

Yes, target lock on players should be removed.

Also you should not forget the aim adjusting during attacks helped immensely with spears and target lock and made it’s usage easier.

Also every weapon should cripple, but that’s just my opinion.

So, because a select arrow has too much AP, you should nerf ALL bows? That’s one hell of a twisted sense of logic there! No no, don’t bother to point out THOSE SPECIFIC ARROWS and ask for the AP on them to be adjusted down, instead “DESTROY BOWS!” right? What a wonderful solution!

Again, one bow which needs an adjustment does not mean the entire weapon base as a whole needs to be destroyed. That’s just insanity.

And that is what everyone is asking to happen to every other weapon what is “OP” at the moment. Overnerf them all into the ground, meanwhile IGNORE the root cause of the issues. LOGIC!

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