Does Predatory Blade still drop?

I will counter, with… depends how drops work. Various games handle drops differently.

Sometimes its RNG Roll, sometimes… its Tables. Which is were % comes from. (as rewards are fixed lists, and handed out in order and have triggers that progress them) Which is mostly older games, or handhelds since amount of memory to make a truely “random” number isn’t always easy.

I get it… you flip a coin and get heads 10 times. Whens its 50/50ish… (HEY, ISH! cause I’ve had a quarter land on its side. =p)
Larger data pool, better numbers look. RNG/Odds arguement is always just someone who knows math, trying explain to someone who was looking for item… and doesn’t care you know the Math.


To me personally… in a Video Game. When something has 1% drop rate. I kinda expect programming to dish out a item after 100-200kills. And not be true RNG.
I’ve come from MMO’s with 0.00001 drop rates that take years…

That low 1-5% don’t really bother me anymore. I’d prefer Tables method in alot of cases. You farm something enough, your basiclly gonna get it.
Compared to True RNG, were you could… just never get it.

I got games to play… I can’t spend all day stuck on 1 thing for weeks or months. To many live service games want you to treat there game like its only one in existent. =p

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This is accurate.

Statistics never dictate what will happen, merely the opportunity it will happen for each iteration.

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