Dressing for the occasion

As always, the “art” of the UI will come “much later”.

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Updating the Armor Pack, now it can hold a section of 51 (0-50) slots for armors. Unlike the fixed named slots, these are numbered.
I would advise noting down your numbers :rofl:

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I am moving to integrate all the features for editing to the Social Contract mod, so on top of being able to customize your character and the NPCs, you can also “talk about it” with them :rofl:

The bone changes, full customization of the body will come as an addon to social contract. Still not fully implemented so Personal Character still available.

Also, if you are on the modding scene, you can get your favorite NPC to wear something different. Maybe you have new armors added in your mod and want an NPC to wear it ?

Obviously I did not made that armor, but Hanna there which I “enhance” on the “Sepermeru Connections” should wear something to stand up among the other vendors.