Dungeon challanges [videos]

Inb4 fail attempt of making the forum more alive :smiley:

Bunch of challanges done trough the years. Reckon theres new players on the forums that havent seen all the nicest dungeons in the game. Heres some of them done with a twist to make it more challanging for us :slight_smile:

Slithering Chaos - Mastertimer - 6m35s

Kang Pagoda - 3man - Tos,Guard,DT

Jade dugout - 2man

Vortex HM - 2man - Guard + BS

Seplucher of the wyrm Jarl Kosh - 2man - Guard + bs

Ardashir fort General arman - 2man - DT + bs

Tianan district 4man within timetrial - Guard + bs + pom + tos

Leave a comment if u have any suggestion of a doable (but hard) challange :slight_smile:


Good to see those videos here!

I both support AND tag this thread for future reference for fellow guildies!

Thanks for putting these up here, the intro to the Tianan was really funny! Iā€™ve heard that song before, but I will never listen to ā€œcome and get your loveā€ the same anymore!


I really love your videos Moriala, have watched them all and your challange videos actually encouraged me to try the same for various dungeons with a few friends whenever we didnā€™t have a full group :smiley:

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nice to hear, thanks for the kind words :)!

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3man slithering chaos and some random trickzz


I knew it! Itā€™s possible to do it with only 3 people! I did it a few months ago with 4 people in a PUG group since we couldnā€™t find people, that was really awesome. And I didnā€™t know you could RESIST his hits (I knew Bewilder / Fangs does not work but resistingā€¦ didnā€™t think they would count as ā€œspellā€ that does melee damage lol), also that smite interrupting you guys did when clicking is a cool way to avoid some damage :smiley:
Awesome video!

btw: I love that artwork xD

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The hitrating of the boss seems very low, in this video i only resist 2 spells, but in average i resist 4-5 per fight, thats quite huge survivaladdition.

Awesome, and really nice that you all share how and what and why you do /it. One can learn a lot from watching this. Plus, it just looks badass.