I have been stuck in an endless patch loop on a fresh install of Win7 Ultimate. Any ideas why this is happening?
did you try install the patch manuell you can get the patches here ?
That’s the patch I’m stuck on.
which Patch exactly ?
Is there an 18.8.45?
no 18.8.44 should be the last one
but what happend exactly when you start the exe ?
It patches then patches again and again and again…
I tested by my self for me works. Maybe a fresh AO Install is an option.
It is a fresh AO install on a fresh install and patched Win7 OS
Wait …
Patching Complete.
Hopefully I can play now.
I cross the Fingers
I’m going to copy/paste my saved Prefs and try to log in.
Crossing fingers, toes and eyes
93MB. May take a cpl mins
Game crashed after selecting toon and hitting PLAY.
Same issue I had before I reformatted my PC
did you get an error message ?
The basic “You have been disconnected” message
did you try to turn off the firewall or/and anti vire software ?
I made an exception in my AV and firewall