Why have you removed everything that’s unique and stands out from others? There was a time when you were rewarded for going the extra mile for thralls or had the luck to come across Dalinsia in the wild. Now it’s all the same goo no matter what T4 fighter you knock out with a couple of hits. Even the new purge thralls are the same, there’s just no feel of being rewarded for playing and that’s something i personally look for in the games i play. After an exhausting purge you get the same fighter you already have times 10 and get to buy the same stuff you already have so much you don’t know what to do with. The ridiculous 4x rates make sure of that. The explosives for one, we have never been the type who make tons of bombs but on one server we decided to make some just casually, not even concentrating on it properly. Two guys, few days and around 800 explosives had been produced, so imagine what a 10 man clan whose only purpose in game is to raid can get done in a week. It’s just complete nonsense.
Are you complaining about the lack of thrall diversity, or harvest rates on public PvP servers? I’d like to know what I should be commenting on.
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Old Purges are gone for good and Purge thrall variety is gone with them. Bearer III is our new go to Purge thrall
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