Events not working

Hello. I have a private server on Conan Exiles Isle of Siptah map. I have noticed the events on our map have stopped working. For a few weeks now. I checked my server settings and the event setting is activated.

Are events working on your servers? Are events always active or does FUNCOM only have them activated sometimes? We really enjoy having the events on the map and we were only ever to finish one event. So, we were looking forward to finishing the others.

Thank you to all who offer opinions/suggestions etc.



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My wife and I have both a Exiles and Siptah server events are working on Exiles have not spent enough time on Siptah to run across one :upside_down_face: sounds like something for tomorrow to do. Good luck let us know what happens

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To my knowledge always active unless there is a setting like the purge that restrict s the time. We had Exiles long before the events so it has not been touched setting wise

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Yeah, I thought they were always active as well. Just noticed we havent been seeing them for a couple weeks now.
You have 2 servers? Are you playing on Xbox?
I would love to be able to have both maps up and running and be able to transfer between them but I dont think they have that enabled for Xbox.

We are on Ps4 with separate characters. I will say that the map markers that would let you know of a event are showing up. @Hes008

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oh ok, thank you for the input.

I have gone to every location to check for events and did find one but seems thats the only one that works. Its the one in the forest in SE of Isle of Siptah.

Still, none of the other ones are working. They were all working a couple weeks ago so idk whats up

Apologies A typo the. Marker is not working. Will do some checking today.



Events are working like normal now. Thank you for your response!

Hi @Hes008 and welcome to the community! It made me both sad and kind of relieved to read your post. Sad because it is very unfortunate and frustrating that the events are not working for you. But also relieved because I have been having the same problem on my Offline Singleplayer game, also on playstation. And for a time there I thought I may have been the only one. Although in my case it is even worse; they have never worked AT ALL, not even once. Please feel free to pop into the thread I created and read and discuss this even further.

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I can answer this for your Siptah server! I have a teleport stone near Judge! I have visited this place a few times in your server so I confirm that at least this event never show up.
However, I played in other private Siptah servers too and on 8080, until Croms mentioned the issue about events and mostly because at this period I was playing Siptah I thought that they were removed! After @Croms_Faithful mentioned this issue I was doing efforts to bring back my single player on exile lands and the last week I play on exile lands single player mostly! So to all the Siptah servers I participated, I didn’t see an active event! Only on exile lands single player! So later on I will try to confirm once more for both maps online and offline!
@Hes008, Welcome to the forum m8, I would suggest you to fill a Zendesk ticket for this issue since it’s your server and what you say it’s 100% valid!
I would beg a @Community member to place the link our fellow exile must apply the issue. Thank you!


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