Ever Since Thrall Nerf Age of War, most folk are just putting thralls on guard/scout mode when pvp happens

I got a harp without the coffer because it makes pretty sounds :theworst:
I don’t want to have this weirdo accountant that won’t even let me see the total of my treasure if I scroll down :rofl:

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Honestly, I couldn’t put myself through the ordeal of walking half map hauling a statue. I did it once from the jungle to the mounds and that was enough. I suppose transportory stones popping everywhere and degrading performance will be a thing soon. Whoever thought this was fun…

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Plus they aren’t worth it…
Farming gold is much more efficient just with ×1 Harvest Rate, so imagine if the coffer had any use in PvP!
100% go farm gold with the ×4 Harvest Rate :notlikethis:

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Exactly and that’s just what I’ll do. Efe hauling statues! :smile:

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There everything will be slow and gradual. First, a Stygian base will appear, then catapults will grow. All this is not at once. And without a chest, you won’t see any of this.

Source? Or just speculation?

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One of the streamers on YouTube spoke about this.

This is why I’m waiting for the reviews and feedback. Given the track record, I’m inclined to hold off for the sake of my own sanity. I’ll let everyone else take the hit and then decide how to proceed. Better safe than sorry.

Which streamer? There’s not even a test server for chapter 2 yet. How can they know exactly how it’s gonna work when there is literally no true information… unless they got inside information? In which case, I’m inclined to ask for evidence. Funcom hasn’t exactly been super clear on how the purges will work, whether they target ONLY the coffer, or if there will be any other factions than Stygian. All of these are big deciding factors when choosing to engage in the purge system for me… let alone it’s reliability AND stability.

I wanted to say that we will have time to watch how our treasury is under threat. And if we see that it is deadly, we can always have time to move the treasure somewhere else. At least I already got 3.7 million of gold and silver and stocked up on popcorn :popcorn:

But that’s the thing, I wanna know if we are truly only having the treasury location targeted? If that’s the case, it seems like an easy way to relocate it away from our main base. I’m all for that idea, but I know a lot of people that don’t like the idea of having a predictable purge. That being said, if there’s only Stygian purges from now on, what’s even the point of building in different locations for unique thralls and purges? All of this just feels very sus. Not to mention, the purge difficulty is a huge factor if we can’t even knock out thralls effectively when defending thanks to the weakened thralls. They only get buffed when following with well trained, meaning we will be facing tougher purges with garbage thralls outfitted in truncheons. That’s a recipe for disaster.

Yes, this blogger said that he received information about Fancom’s plans, and said that the standard purge will be completely replaced with a new one. (I’m assuming only for the duration of Age of War).
Personally, I’m not going to capture the Stygian warriors, I now have an almost invincible army, I just want to see what the new purge will be capable of.

An invincible army??
how ??
with stupid, blind and deaf enslaved NPCs!! .

In front of my base is a boar spawn, my bows are on the ramparts within 30 meters of the targets, they are instructed to attack all enemies at a distance of 50 meters .

Before AOW these attacked the targets in a disorderly manner, it was panic to believe that we had dropped on them a horde of wasp , but as best they could, they succeeded in defeating the wild boars. They do nothing anymore, the wild boars are in the same place but they ignore them. How to hope when they can defend my base in the face of a purge in these conditions? .

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Possible with the invincible golem bug :rofl:
I don’t know how to replicate it consistently though, and I hope it gets fixed :notlikethis:

We shall see… we shall see…

With archers in general, the trouble is, the higher they are, the worse they react. It is optimal to place them at the height of one foundation, and then they do not shoot further than 30 meters.
As for the invincible army, it’s simple: I play solo and can level warriors a little more than level 20…

And what is it?

A bug where a golem takes no damage at all :thisisfine:

Ah, got it.
I don’t make them at all (they are useless in a solo game), so I don’t know.

Brimstone golems are good against purges, lotus burner with grey lotus powder is a good buff.
That’s the extent of it, the rest is basically useless.