you guys need to buff thralls they are trash now u can easily kill a 4000 hp with just a few 12 bombs now just imagine u have 30 thralls together are easy kill and the xp that they need for level up is much higher. Golems take a lot of damage too… fix that please
that sadly the truth, thralls are a joke, a sad joke, but this is not recent that the case for a very long time as they started to nerf thralls may be 3 years ago.
well good new is that with this update there is something new but probably not intentional, but showing the road to find back an interesting game.
i send you an information in private message
That a very bad decision when they nerfed thralls they almlst removed the fun from the game from many people in my clan aleast 6 players moved to Ark because the thralls nerfs.
In pve they die very easy in any end game camp like cimerians or volcano , same about the big boss like rocknose and for having a good thrall you waste so much like searching one with good status making/farming armors ,weapon and for last leveling they and in the end using one full thrall build you still need babysit the thrall because if he is left for 2 min alone he will die.
Using agility build naked with grit max perk and the free katana from al meraya castle you can kill everything alone it one joke compared with one full thrall build.
Also you CANT use fighters thrall in purges because they die fast too making thrall builds weak compared to agility or strenght builds.
And for last thralls in pvp are a joke when yiu see one player with one thrall in pvp you just jump in he because you know it is free loot and thralls for defense base too are joke bad AI + low health make they weak is best you out one taxiderm in the place of thrall you win much more.
And lets us dont forget about the very very bad AI when they dont find a path to reach where you are or when they dont know how to use one weapon combo or when the became one MMA fighter and begin to punch did you already see how they fight using shields or spears? Kkkk
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