Exiled Lands - Can we expect anything new on this map?

Do you have a reason to be toxic? He told me to look at the map while I was in the dungeon, so I did, and based on that, I disproved what he claimed. So?

After the previous team got promoted to the Dune thing it was proven by the mods of Dark Forest and Tir-Na-Nog there’s is no problem to “complete” the map. But I’m afraid the current capable team is not allowed to proof their predecessors’ wrong.

B3 is fully meshed terrain. It’s a shame these 20 some squares are excluded from the map. B5 even contains resources.

K3 is fully meshed terrain. The northern chunk even is included in the temperature map.
I have no clue as of why this was not included in the jungle expansion.

N3 is barren terrain.

Both northern large circles are chaos terrain, but have a temperature mapping.
These zones do not overlap with dungeons.
If you want stuff here get the Dark Forest mod.
Or do a total overhaul with Isle of Tir-Na-Nog.

As for the limits: the map goes down as far as “-1” and to the left of “A” are at least 2 more rows.

Also they just added a new dungeon . I do believe some place need and over vault like silk wood. Near the where you get sand beast glands, up North have lots of empty places. They have to fill them up with things to do or maybe base locations, siptah definitely needs more stuff added to it like better base locations and same thing lots of empty places. Maybe add more dungeons to siptah that would be super dope, I like what they re doing wit hencounter I just hoped they kept the first one and made them better like random locations to kill bosses and get a better reward for it.

Speaking of the new dungeon, during the Funcom preview of chapter 3, Dennis (I believe his name is) sais “if you’ve been following the story, you know where Kurak’s dungeon is” . Has anyone figured out where it actually is? I was thinking the the giant hole/window in the dungeon that shows the eclipse happening was the mysterious crack in the Unnamed city west wall but the shape is wrong.

it is not that they cant, but they wont. Mainly for 2 reasons. The UE4 engine has a math limit, so more stuff would start to exceed that. And the farther from 0,0 the math is, the more unstable. So adding more stuff to a “harder” to calculate area away from 0,0 the more likely game would need a super compuyer to run even of the game engine processed it.

I have a crazy idea - now hear me out: It’s a map of the exiled lands but pre-sandstorm. Largely the same, but more green and the Unnamed City is a more expansive and impressive ruin. The bridge may or may not be broken at this point.

Even to save on the landscaping workload it can be circa the northern battle where the brimstone lake got formed. We don’t have to go completely insane with it, after all.

0 0 is near the centre of H 9.
If you play Age of Calamity then you know the place, because this is where glitching monsters teleport to.

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