Asking for a friend…
<3 mayhem
Asking for a friend…
<3 mayhem
Greetings mayhemx and welcome to the community! If you are referring to the Exiled Lands map, it is highly improbable that there will be any further map expansions, as the map is already currently pushing up against the limits of what it is technically capable of. Any further expansion could see the gamesphysics begin to breakdown. If you are referring to the North-Eastern section of the map, that is where the games dungeons are housed. And in fact, if you ever travel there beyond the Green Cursed Wall, you can literally see them floating there just above the ground. I can also share some images with you if you like? While there may or may not be some new dungeons or points of interest added onto the existing map at a later date, nothing has been confirmed. But as far as further expanding the map outwards goes, I am sorry to be the bearer of bad new, but it is unlikely.
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