At the present Winter Event you can not only have some fun with socializing, drinking and dancing, but you can also do some exploring together with your friends.
The place where to begin is here, at 221/211 to be exact:
Outside the invisible barrier there is a lot to find. You can climb to the highest peaks to get a perfect sight of the complete area:
On a plateau high above the festival ground Samsonyte found this explorer secret:
A perfect place to watch what’s going on down there:
Yet another explorer secret:
…and the next one right around the corner:
Even the way to Conarch can be found, just follow the burning torches:
On the way you get caught in increasingly thick fog:
Unfortunately the way ends at another invisible barrier, which cannot be overcome…
Here are some more pictures from my expedition:
So much for today and since the holidays and the turn of the year are approaching:
Samsonyte wishes you
a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year!