Exploring The Sanctum of The Burning Souls

The place to get through the invisible walls can easily be found here:

A rocky slope has to be mastered next:

More distant places can only be reached by traveling through those mysterious Dimension Tunnels:

A labyrinth of ruins where you can easily get lost:

The entrance area seen from above:

Climbing higher and higher:

From here one can easily look over the endboss area:

Getting closer to the endboss:

One of the Sanctum’s highest peaks:

Down again to the blood-spewing giants:

stay healty - bleibt gesund :slightly_smiling_face:



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Your really take distancing to another level.


Would you be able to post a video on how to do the first few steps?! The first picture with the red lines, after you get over that wall you come down into a little area on the other side of the wall and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to jump on the mountain to start the ascent!