Fabric and hair not flowing. is there a limit?

I never noticed problems with hair/fabric not flowing correctly during chapter 3 but I only recently scaled up the number of thralls in my game. Now, if I watch 2 dancers with the same dancer skirt, one of them renders the fabric correctly and the other one doesn’t. My own main character seems to have her hair glued to her back. It’s only a single-player game, and so not sure if it’s a bug. I have about 24 thralls at my base wearing various fabrics and displaying hairstyles. There are many more NPCs as patrons at my tavern and worker thralls at workbenches. I’m running on an NVIDIA 2080 RTX Super–about 4.5 years old. Has anyone else had this problem?

I noticed an old thread where they discussed the same problem/solution but it didn’t help. ([XB] Fabric/Hair not flowing) I verified that I don’t have any extra player corpses, which was one of the suggested solutions.

I understand that Funcom is focused on many other more important issues. Just wondering if anyone else noticed this?

How tall is your character? I found changing your characters hight to anything but %50 can cause various issues like the cardboard outfit and hair. But this is just me it could be any bug at this point :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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75% I tried using the Edit Appearance mod to change my character’s height back to 50% but that didn’t fix it.

I can “fix” it if I go into creative mode, use map teleport to go far away from where the game loads (my big tavern), and then teleport back. The first teleport doesn’t fix it. The second one does. Then I exit out of creative and everything seems okay.

Physics and character size might be related, especially when using mods to make a character smaller than the vanilla size (0.97 or 0.98 – which is 175-179cm). However, this is not the end of the story. Depending on the mods for garments and customization, there might be additional issues. I am somewhat curious about this glitch, as it was quite noticeable in the early years of the game.

If it’s affecting your player character, try removing your bracelet. If it’s affecting your thralls, hop out of base render range or remove the thralls armour temporarily

I am not running mods. I only used the Edit Appearance mod temporarily. Removing thrall armor temporarily does not fix it.

It seems that I have to be admin, teleport at least once while not in creative mode, then go into creative mode and teleport at least once. But not sure on the exact number of teleports because it is difficult to reproduce the “fix”.

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