Failed to place building even with stability

As I’m building I’ll get the message “Failed to place building” it’s happened in multiple place on the map and with multiple pieces. I’ve uploaded a screen shot of the lates one. Sometimes remove the other pieces around the issue and logging out then back in has fixed the issue. This time after several attempts it’s still happening.

Greetings @Bigtuna572 ,

Thank you for sharing this!

Can you let us know if this is happening in single-player, private or official servers?

If it’s single-player can you share the save game where we can find the reported behavior? If it’s in official servers, please let us know the server number and character name as well.

It’s in signal-player on PS5 how do I share the saved data.

Same build in signal-player PS5

I’ve noticed some wonkiness with single player building at times. My clanmate and I plan our builds on single player and then rebuild them on official. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had strange issues with them, only to have them work just fine on the official server. It’s definitely not an isolated issue, but I just can’t say for certain why. There’s only been one instance offhand that I can recall where the same issue occurred on both: trying to place some diagonal decorative beams. For some reason they wouldn’t place in one area. I ended up using sloped walls and they worked just fine. Not exactly what I wanted, but they worked.

On official one thing that has worked in the past is having a clan member put the peace in for you.

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Yeah, I tried that. That’s why it was so unusual. My clanmate and I are well aware of the potential for player-side glitches, lag, etc. that may cause issues with placing something. In this case, neither of us could get the beams to work. ‘‘Twas very peculiar. :thinking:

One thing I will add however, in regard to single player building, is that location can be integral to how pieces work. What location are you building? The reason I ask is because my base is located waaaay off at the edge of Buccaneer bay beyond the croc boss. We’re right on the edge of the map and I noticed odd behaviors with pieces. For example, I tried to glitch a window and a fence together, but the fence would break every time I put in the window… and it was only on one of the walls. The one next to it worked fine. However, after taking it to the official server, it worked fine. Also had an issue with a couple other pieces that wouldn’t work on single player, but worked just fine on official. The only pieces that still didn’t work were the beams I mentioned previously.

My building is in buccaneer Bay as well. I’m working on building a suspension bridge across the river. I had the bug several times during this build. The workaround that I mentioned worked on all of them except the two spots in the screenshots. So far.

Try putting in some fence foundations?

Fence foundations foundations and pillars will work to get me blocks placed there but then you’ll see them from under the bridge. Once I find out if ZahMaiatt know how I can send my PS5 saved data to them at funcom. I’ll wipe and start the video recording again. You see some people on the official server I play on asked me how to build some of the builds I made. So a couple weeks ago I started making videos on the builds and putting them on YouTube.

I’d really just like to see the bug fixed. Even if I have to copy the save data onto a USB and mail it to them. You know pretty much anything in my power to do to help get the bug fixed.

I really think funcom has the best building system within Conan exiles of any of the games I’ve played at least.

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