Fatal Error: Not all resources were downloaded correctly. Please restart the Update Manager

Game will not load, I have reset DNS, checked local files,reset Steam account and changed download servers. Nothing helps.
And because I’m a new user, I can’t upload a screenshot of the error message… that’s absolute genius that is.
The error is in the title, but here it is again:
Fatal Error: Not all resources were downloaded correctly. Please restart the Update Manager.

No reply from Funcom, but after about a week, the downloads are working again.
No idea why they failed, why they started working again, or whether this will be a recurring issue.

I’m wondering if it’s somehow linked to the recent issues we were having with the game getting incorrectly flagged by Windows Defender. We got just about everything cleared up from them over the past week, which lines up with your timeline.

New users can’t upload images because this forum is free to join and doesn’t require a game account to do so. It’s to keep spammers and trolls at bay and for your own safety. Once you browse a few threads the forum should upgrade your status on its own. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the reply, I realize managing forums like this can be a horrible concatenation of cat herding and firefighting.
Today I logged in and I don’t have my patron cache key. After losing a week of playtime - while still paying for said playtime - then finding one of the primary rewards of paying for the game is now gone… this is really very frustrating.
I assume this is another error that will hopefully resolve itself, but it’s damn irritating.