Favourite THRALL and most sought after THRALL

I was just curious to see what some peoples favourite Thralls to use are. I know RHTS are most likely the easiest to capture and turn into complete monsters, but I personally try to get as many unique strong thralls as I can.

My current favourite thrall is Cormag Beastblood, he’s not really any better compared to other Purge thralls or even RHTS or Dalinsia/Berserkers, but he was the first Purge thrall I got on this play-through, so he’s assumed the role of General, and I just really love the name!

The one thrall I keep wanting is Orvar Battleborn from the Berserker purge. He used to be the thrall I would use during the purges on my old server, but alas, I’ve gotten no Berserker purge yet on this new server.

I really love the purge and find it to be the most exciting mechanic of Conan and have for years! It keeps me working hard to accomplish something, but also strikes terror in me :slight_smile:


Kathibria Featherstep… If you are lucky enough you may get her in Sep as well. Developed on Agility branch, Katana if EL or serpent blades on Siptah… Not for fighting but for tankinng. Reborn till you get all perks on VIT… Mine has 13k hp, goes to 15k with Well Trained. Cheers!


My Fav is still Grrr Legbiter. Even today I chuckle when I see him.

Most sought after? I truly have no idea.



My favorite is a RHTS that spawned looking just like Razma. Was my first RHTS on my current character, looked like that, got grrrrreat stats. I renamed her Razma, and she kicks a$$.
I fashioned a Cimmerian Berserker to look like Conan, so that I can travel on the Exiled Lands with its “original” adventurers. He’s not as strong, though. This at least explains why he rescued Razma in the intro video: He needed someone to protect him from the sand beasts.

Most sought after:
Any bladesmith blacksmiths and protection armorers. Also, T4 bearers - not because they’re great, but I seem to have little luck in finding any. Tons of Dalinsias, lots of dancers, even three Fias (Lemurian Armorer - was pretty rare and sought after back when armor specialties were specific to the thrall). But T4 bearers… rarely.


T4 Bearers… rare as all get out, but very powerful in their own right.


Aesor Berserker


Find Arnos the Cimmerian…


I have myself twice, one with 13K base HP, the second one has 10K.


My favorite thrall is Larathiel, because I do a lot of smelting and @Larathiel is a really chill dude :wink:

My most sought after is Lianeele, for two reasons that I’ll call obvious even if it makes me a sexist pig :stuck_out_tongue:


RHTS are better than all of those :smiley: I know you mentioned it in your post, but I just want to clarify that while I also capture all sorts of things, when it comes to fighting thralls, they’re currently the best in the game that can be captured.

Other than that I kinda like the volcano thralls.


I tried following your advice over the past few weeks. Captured a bunch of them, but their growth chances were absolutely wretched each time.

I’m sticking with Cimmerian Berserkers for the time being, and farming oboli to see if I can get a few decent Dalinsias :slight_smile:


They don’t need high growth chances, a RHTS with 15 Str will get more bonus damage from it than a Berserker with 30 :smiley: at the same time having a much higher HP


TF? For real?

Man, this is why I’ve hated the thrall attributes and thrall leveling system since they introduced it. What good is a number if you can’t compare it to other numbers?

Anyway, thanks for the info, I’ll try it out.


Yea, the spreadsheet I’ve been linking everywhere covers it pretty much

Here they are side by side:

As you can see RHTS will gain more health per Vitality point and also more than twice the damage from Agi and Str points :stuck_out_tongue: while the main multiplier being just a 0.002 lower which you will not notice at all.


I’m guilty of having it bookmarked and almost never actually looking at it. It’s amazing work, but I hate having to go through a spreadsheet to calculate something that should be apparent in the UI.

Oh, wow. That’s crazy. Okay, maybe I’m cynical, but how come people aren’t clamoring to nerf RHTS? :laughing:


A lot of the loud ones are still in the belief that the Berserker is better :slight_smile: Exactly because of what you said, that the UI is misleading in this regard.
However I’m sure once they run out of more pressing subjects we will see the “nerf RHTS” threads popping up


Good question. I’ve been pointing out its the best thrall for over 2 years now and have for the entire time gotten told they’re not as good as ‘insert favorite thrall here’.

So when they start clamoring… I’m going to have a field day asking them why it took them over two years to figure it out.


Only T4 female dancer that I know who has airbags, yeah I am probably a sexist pig too :crazy_face:


I am pretty sure you know where to build for a Berserker purge, but there’s one spot that if you build there probably you’ll have nothing else than this purge. At least all these years, building in this exact spot i had nothing else. If you need more info tell me.

Not in Den! :slightly_smiling_face:


I prefer, “Mr. Sexiest Pig.”