Favourite THRALL and most sought after THRALL

My favorite thrall is Erii the Ravager. Up to today he and his brothers and sisters have been my most loyal and reliable fighters.

I love the volcano thralls. Very underrated and underappreciated treasures.


I still have 2 servers that have eldarium left in stores. 1 PvE and 1 pvp.

Yes, and very loudly. Tying rewards to RNG is cheap game design. RNG is not a test of skill or effort. Winning an RNG ā€œchallengeā€ is the lowest possible bar of entertainment: all it tests is whether youā€™ll give up or not.

The further Funcom moves away from their overreliance on RNG, the better.


will1 the powerful does not need slave hahaha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Purges take some effort, yes, but theyā€™re still more RNG than effort or skill. You have to luck out on the RNG to get the right base purged (if you have more than one), then you have to luck out on the RNG to get the right kind of purge, then you have to luck out on the RNG to get a purge thrall.

I wouldnā€™t mind purge thralls being much better than normal ones if I had control over what purge Iā€™m getting and whether the thrall will spawn.

Like I said, as long as the reward is tied to a slot machine, it shouldnā€™t be considerably better than a deterministic reward. Anyone who absolutely canā€™t enjoy this game without that should go to Vegas.

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Favorite thrallā€¦ Lianeele

Most sought afterā€¦ currently? Syra Brennerhetā€¦ I lost her due to getting merged with the current server Iā€™m on and havenā€™t gotten her again since then. Super frustratingā€¦


My favourite thralls are the ones that work.


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I disagree with your disagreement :man_shrugging:

Purges are a mechanic to destroy your bases, not a catering service delivering you thrallsā€¦ If you want to capture some for their special name, then the more power to you :stuck_out_tongue:
In fact theyā€™re not even a thing in Single Player unless you take effort enabling it, it was meant as population control for official servers pretty muchā€¦

Personally I only ever captured one or two when they used to be different, now I just mow them down and have way more fun doing it :smiley:

Iā€™d be fine with some of their crafters having special cosmetic recipes thou, I think that could work


I disagree with this very concept. Purges are equalizers for the servers. You build up too much? You will be taken down. Difficulty needs to be based on foundational and placement amounts and there is going to be a level where you just canā€™t win and you are forced to watch your tower of babel fall. If you do set it to your building metrics, then it is self regulating and noobs get it easier than vetsā€¦until the noob gets overboard and has to be taken down a peg. The reward is the fight. You may loose but the fight was worth it.


For me, getting the Purge takes a lot of effort (I suppose by effort I really just mean time) as Iā€™m a solo player on an official server, so my situation is different from others. There is a lot of RNG, but I feel like currently the Purge thralls are in a pretty good spot. Itā€™s incredibly tough getting the right purge, and as a solo player, handling a Purge up in the North is no simple task. Sure, you need the right Thrall to spawn, but if you canā€™t come up with a good strategy on how to defend your base and knock out the thralls you need, the Purge can really run a muck!

@Xevyr I think Purges serve a purpose greater than just that they come to destroy your base, I know technically thatā€™s what the lore says they are doing, but some Purge thralls used to be the only way you could craft certain items, so it seems it was intended as a way to bring you special thralls that you couldnā€™t find anywhere else. Theyā€™ve changed that now, but I think because many people complained.

The Purge thralls are better than pretty much any standard T4, but this wasnā€™t always the case. My purge thralls all have higher health than any of my best RHTS, Berserkers or Dalinsiaā€™s, but they used to be the same. The crafter thralls only advantage is that some of them look different, thatā€™s about it I believe, it obviously used to be different.

ā€œIf you do decide to risk it the rewards might be worth it, but you should definitely take the time to build up your defences.ā€ this quote from the dev blog leads me to believe Purges were intended to bring rewards as well as be a mechanic that comes to destroy your base :slight_smile:

I actually think if we removed the ability to get them from the wine cellar it would make it much more rewarding to have those RHTS. Personally when I went to grab two, someone was farming the cellar, so I went to the Unnamed City and challenged myself to get the RHTS that are guarded by the one skull Hero. It was definitely more difficult, but incredibly rewarding, now my Boromir and Faramir ā€œSeekers of the Treasureā€ are two of my favourite thralls because the fight to get them wasnā€™t so easy!

If Funcom changed this because of too many complaints, then that would mean enough people didnā€™t appreciate that mechanic. (though I agree that in these cases itā€™s not always the majority being loud, however if they disagree they should voice their opinions, which they often donā€™tā€¦ )

Personally I donā€™t like the mechanic of making purge thralls good enough to be worth knocking out for several reasonsā€¦

The main one being is that it encourages needless spam, which is ironic as the purge was designed specifically to combat thatā€¦
When your base is a small house with 5-6 follower thralls totalā€¦ youā€™re not going to be trying to knock thralls outā€¦ youā€™ll be instead enjoying a potentially challenging base defense scenario.
Itā€™s usually only when people have their needlessly oversized base with plenty of bait obstacles for the purge and several dozen defending thralls with truncheons when people knock out purge attackers instead of killing themā€¦ and at that point the purge itself is not even a challenge, completely defeating the purpose and nullifying any idea of that ā€œrisk rewardā€ concept you attributed to this imo.

Well, health is not everything, but I am going to hazard a guess and say that you captured these pre-3.0, since stat points like vitality / str etc are saved in the database and do not change with game updates, only their effectiveness, but itā€™s entirely possible you had some old purge thralls with an overly stacked Vitality amount.

Currently the best purge fighter thralls are around or slightly worse than a Lian of Janosā€¦ not to mention a Dalinsia, Berserker or RHTS, the Beast tamers have a higher starting health due to their starting 30 vitality, so you might have one of those, however they do way less damage.

They are not ā€œbadā€ or unviable by any means and totally usable ofc.

Yea, I agree that it makes it a bit too ā€œmainstreamā€ just being able to carry those 2 outā€¦ maybe even removing those first 2 would do the trick since the others are in groups with a boss in there as well, itā€™s just those first 2 in the first room that are easy pickings

Actually ā€œsomeā€ of them retained some benefits, I looked them up for another thread a while ago, gonna see if I can find itā€¦ the Cook for example has way more recipes than your standard T4 cooks (they have all recipes except the fish thing from the lone fisherman - which is the best cook) and some have some increased speed or something? idk going to check :smiley:

Edit: there we go, found the thread


Lianeele is my favorite. Sheā€™s hot, and rarely spawnsā€¦ I get maybe 1 a month.

It would be great if we could use the Orb of Nergal on thralls. Lubba The Luscious needs some ā€œenhancementā€ to really live up to her name.


Not really. I mean, itā€™s trivial to prevent a purge. On Siptah, you even have a placeable for that, but you can also prevent a purge in Exiled Lands.

More importantly, we have Funcomā€™s word about them. I once asked what the purpose of the purge was, and got an interesting answer:

Thatā€™s just the recap, by the way. The complete answer can be heard in the video and has additional details, but it boils down to what youā€™ve read in the recap above.

Iā€™m not sure whether this answer is still considered valid by the devs, as the dev team has seen some significant changes since then.

However, if we assume it hasnā€™t changed, then the purpose of the purge aligns more with @erjohā€™s idea that ā€œthe reward is the fightā€ than with the perception that itā€™s a Thrall-Dispensing Santa Event :wink:

That said, I donā€™t really mind the purge being rewarding for the players. What I mind is gating that reward behind multiple layers of RNG.

If every purge was guaranteed to have T4 thralls in it, that would be better, but thatā€™s not the case right now. (As a side note, the fact that you can get several waves without any human in them goes directly against the in-game lore for the purge. This should really be fixed at some point.)

If you could have a heavy influence on where the purge was going to strike, e.g. it picks the base that has the most relics in it, that would also be better. Or hell, just give us an equivalent of the Convergence Trap in Exiled Lands and make the purge target the base nearest to the trap.

Implement both of those changes, and you have a purge that can be as rewarding as you want it, because it doesnā€™t involve playing a row of slot machines before you get to the main event.


all depends where you build.

if you build a house near the obelisk of B11.

sometimes enemies will attack your neighbors.

I had this problem quite a few times xD


Yes, the word ā€œchanceā€ is the key word there. I donā€™t mind rewards. I mind having to gamble over and over for them.

And like I said, the in-game explanation for the purge makes you expect a raid organized by NPCs who are out to steal your relics. What you often get instead is a bunch of scorpions or rocknoses or crocodiles or whatever.


I guess because Iā€™m a solo player I do things a little different. I have one thrall following me, and four thralls I feel comfortable with stationed outside of my base. Because of where Iā€™ve built the Purge just does a nice little stroll towards my base and I take them out before they even reach it. My only real challenge is that my thralls have truncheons, while I carry around a weapon and try to kill everything haha it can be a bit annoying, but still a challenge for me! Iā€™ve had my thralls accidentally kill fighters or crafters I wanted, so I remove that possibility completely.

From my previous playthrough on a different server pre 3.0, my Beast Tamer thralls seemed to max out around the same as Dalinsia and Berserkers in terms of health. Even though the Vitality and Strength stats are still the same (30 and 15), on my new playthrough, the Beast Tamers have at least 1000hp more than any of my Dalinsiaā€™s or Berserkers (at lvl 20). It could just be they all got lucky this time, but I think the Purge thralls must have a higher health multiplier or something? I know youā€™ve got all the data, so if thatā€™s not the case, I guess my Beast Tamers just got lucky! My Aesir Berserker on Exiled Lands also seems to have a massive amount of health, even more than my Beast Tamers!

Strength wise Purge thralls are around Lian or Janos? I actually have quite a few of both cause I find them to be super OP, the only negative being rather low health, but they definitely make up for it!

I 100% agree each purge should have human thralls. I used to get the Frost Giants purge all the time, it was basically all Frost Giants and a few Sabertooths. Now, the Frost Giant purge is largely Aesir fighters and crafters, and sometimes Sabertooths as well. If they added in guaranteed T4 to each purge, I think it would make people a lot more interested in the purge, cause as it is a lot of people avoid it!


Nah, the beast tamers have a starting vitality of 30 so they start off with over 4k hp. So in terms of HP they will be better than an average berserker / dalinsia / nordheimer, they do deal less damage than either of those though. However RHTS can be built beyond thier HP if they get a lot of vitality points while leveling since each point counts more for them. I have stock RHTS fighters with over 6k health which Berserkers or Dalinsias would struggle to reach.

In any case all of them are listed in the spreadsheet I linked above and itā€™s quite user-friendly so you can just look them up yourself :slight_smile:


For some very good reasons. The worst problem with the purge is that it can spawn inside or on top of your base. As far as I can tell, this is meant to ensure that no base is safe from the purge: if you build a base that tries to cheese the pathfinding algorithm, the purge will still get you by spawning inside or on top.

If those were the only conditions under which this happens, that would be acceptable. Unfortunately, the way the game tests these conditions is by trying to find a path to your base and, if it canā€™t do so within a limited time, it just gives up and spawns the purge inside.

The problem with this approach is that the pathfinding seems to be subject to AI throttling that happens when the server is having performance problems. Basically, if your server FPS is low (in ā€œredā€ or even ā€œorangeā€ range), the AI starts to suffer from this, across the whole server, and the result of that may be that the purge canā€™t find an otherwise perfectly viable path to your base.

So yeah, even though I enjoy the challenge of the purge, I reset my purge meter if Iā€™m playing on a server thatā€™s overbuilt and suffers from performance problems consistently.