Again the boxed in thinking…
You seem to think that only “gportal” exists and that funcom has the same deals on there as you if you wish to rent a server…
I am not making it more complicated than it is… I am suggesting an actual way to include the expansion into the main game. And yes I am aware that if Funcom initially wanted to do it like that, they probably would have, however that’s why I am making a suggestion?.. Isn’t that why this place exists?
So to clarify… I never said anything about funcom’s official server hosting… This isn’t about server transfers at all… this is about changing the game… in such a way that you can seamlessly go from one map to the other, without logging out… without switching to another server… but walking up to an obelisk or something in-game… and getting loaded on to the other map as if you just fast-travelled there…
I’m going to go out on a limb here and wager that you’re one of “those” people who mainly do PvP in this game and are terrified of any potential change that may upset your “balance” and that’s why you’re automatically trying to find excuses as to why any change should not be made etc etc. Am I close to the truth here? No offense, but that hostility has to come from somewhere and to me it seems that you really do not want to add anything productive to these discussions, but rather try to find ways why it can’t be or shouldn’t be done?
Now to answer your question as to “Why would it be worth it for funcom to redesign their game to use up twice the server resources when they can keep it separate?”
Because… money?..
How many people bought their expansion?.. How many more would buy it if it was part of and accessible through the Exiled Lands and you could go over there, learn feats, have a base there as well just like you can in the north (keep in mind, that was an expansion too, it was simply a free one as an apology for a plethora of issues at the time, and yes that one they added to the old map since they had the space, this one they could just keep as a separate level and have a loading screen)
I know for a fact that sales would sky-rocket if that was introduced, there are a LOT of people that simply don’t buy the expansion atm because they prefer the EL map, but they might like the new weapons and feats… they just don’t want a completely new unfamiliar land to play 100% of their game on.
As for the cost of servers… when hosting… the cost could be calculated as cost / person… and when the combined server would use twice the resources… (2 cores and 12 GB RAM going with your example) - it would also potentially be capable of supporting twice the playerbase… or close… so they could simply merge an EL and a Siptah server in pairs… and call it a day… I see no issue there.
Again, I appreciate your opinion and you clearly don’t wan this change, which you have stated, however if you cannot add anything productive to this discussion and merely wish to sabotage it… then it’s probably best if you just stay out of it. And also… before you ever tell anyone how they’re out of their depth… might I suggest you check the water levels around yourself? I’ll even let you use google to double-check those UE4 limits…