Feedback & Suggestions

[feedback][suggestion][items] I strongly dislike the Special Agent Dossier shine effect. I dislike it to a point that I prefer not having the agent rather than having a shiny version. You may think that’s extreme, I don’t care. It’s a poor visual effect and I’m taking a stance against the implication that it is universally desirable.

I’m currently hunting the agent mission reward dossiers. Today I managed to get outstanding on “Descent”, obtaining Siobhan Gowan. Unfortunately, I received the Special version (which is character bound just like any other agent mission reward dossier). This may have been a great occasion to a collector, but it’s a massive punch in the gut for me. When I come across these purple dossiers in an unbound form, I can just sell them or trade them for a regular version. Yet when it happens like this, it’s as good as a mission failure.

I simply want you to reconsider your approach to these bound special dossiers. They are not universally desirable. I’m not going to use this dossier. I don’t know if I’ll delete it yet or keep it as a memento of a massive disappointment. I would be very happy if you could give us the option to trade them in for the common blue version. I know I’ll keep repeating “Descent” to get outstanding again until I receive the regular blue version anyway.