So just reinstalled Conan exiles after a bit of a break and the new inventory and controller changes… Well let me just break it down:
Radial/quickbar menu:
- the new confirm to change really sucks. Are we trying to give keyboard/mouse players an even wider advantage in PvP? Why do we have to open it, select our item then hit another button instead of just release? I haven’t tried keyboard quickbar using keyboard and mouse because I’m disabled and can play CE because it supports controllers. Do you have to hit 1-8 twice now to switch weapons or you just giving this new handicap to controller users?
The inventory changes:
- the way we navigate via controller is about the least intuitive, clunkiest method of navigating between inventory, storage and recipes I’ve seen in a LONG TIME. It makes inventory management, crafting (like 50% of the game) just a doggy mess and it takes Soo much longer to do anything. If you’re gonna screw up one of the main UI components in the game at least spread the pain across the board because again, it’s about the same with a keyboard/mouse, while gamepad users got the full suck.
- the new category icons are tiny as shit and completely useless because of that. How about some more size there guys - it matters when you’re 10 feet away from your screen in high resolutions.
- you made tiny sorting icons and a clunky AF interface but some how managed to dramatically increase the useless margins at the top/bottom of the interface screens because… ?
- Revert gamepad navigation for inventories and crafting stations
- At least put a auto confirm option for the radial menu or make KBM users use the garbage radial menu for balancing purposes with PvP users.
- Make those category icons more than colored little circles that don’t do crap for gamepad users (we just see the dots switch, no label, icon too small to know wtf it is, useless)
Please for the love of Crom, don’t put this off forever. I play on PC but I bet PS and XBOX users are in full on revolt! This was a POOR implementation and that’s saying alot considering the history of CE updates breaking more than they fix half the time…