I recently had the displeasure of experiencing a Purge for the first time. I had heard that some locations would cause them to spawn INSIDE your base but since their was ample ground to approach my base from I assumed it wouldn’t be an issue. I was wrong. About 15 berserkers spawned on the roof of my tower and proceeded to level it from the top down, starting with the room at the top where all the beds were stored. I haven’t been playing long, but have been mostly solo, collecting, processing, and building all components myself. I had 3 thralls - a rank 2 archer(level5), a rank 2 fighter(level8), and a blacksmith. Additionally, we had acquired 2 horses and a rhino to ride around.
I’m all for a difficult mechanic. You wanna throw waves at my castle, fine - but spawning at the top of the tower was friggin dumb. Fix purge spawn points.
I feel like losing my whole base to a purge i couldn’t stop would be fun, but losing it all to a purge that spawns inside the base robs me of seeing if my defenses in action - taking all fun out of the situation. From a player retention perspective - I was HOOKED on this game, now I’m struggling to get motivated to start over. Broken mechanics killed the entire experience - but hey, at least i can access the store with the press of a button in game.
So that’s my bit. Thanks.
P.S. Cant include Mp4’s or links to outside pages, so how can I show you the video of the broken purge? This is a bad joke lol… Search ‘tbone272 my first purge’ on YouTube I guess.