Were purges ever fixed to not spawn in your base?

Just checking if purges spawning in your base, even in a small building, was ever fixed. I thought it was. Anyway in this last month I have had 4 spawn in our bases since we have come back to play. One even spawned on top of a small building near the brimstone lakes.

I thought there were enough complaints that this was fixed supposedly at one point. We also had a neighbor’s purge spawn in our base as well- that happened twice also. wtf.

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If you do not have a portion of the base accessible to the purge traveling on the land, then it spawn inside your base.


I had the purge spawn on the roof of a 5x5 hut base surrounded by land access, three times in a row. Once larger bases were constructed elsewhere, I’ve not had any purges at that starter base. None have been spawning on the roof of the larger bases, instead approaching from outside the land claim as they should.

Fixed? not sure, but I hope so.

The purge spawning inside or on top of a base, is intended.
It’s to keep people from building on top of a pillar or somewhere not easily assessable, just to foil the purge.

Like erjoh said some part of your base needs to be reachable.

Build low, with a clear path to your door, then go up that tree, pillar or into that cave.
You don’t even need to have that first door usable, it’s just a target for the purge.


Or find a way to not get purged :wink:

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Not at all. I just had a purge spawn on my roof yesterday. On a base that is extremely accessible.

Build your base like a gladiatorial arena and let them spawn “inside” where your thrall army is waiting for them. :crazy_face: And watch the show!


Purges spawning inside your base will probably never be “fixed” because it isn’t a bug.

However, purges spawning on top of your base when your base is naturally (not artificially through a player-built choke point) accessible is something they worked to reduce in the past and may see work in the future.

If I may, here’s a pointer. Command a thrall to follow you on the closest follow settings. Now walk through every door, every gate, up every staircase etc. until you get to the roof. If you can’t get to the roof, build an exit door to the roof. If your follower can walk to where the Purge wants to go without teleporting, you’re good. Roof stuff is one of my pet peeves, and this helped on my last server.


If youre convinced what is happening is a bug, I would create a bug report with screenshots to show exactly whats happening (or at least the layout) so FC can know the details. There could be a very good reason why this is happening and its not a bug, or it could be bugged and if so they may need to address it at your specific location on the map. Without details, they can’t just “fix purges” because there was a purge fix implemented with broad scope; if it didnt fix your spot and situation, I’m sure they’d like to know.

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Build inside a cave. When they spawn “on the roof” they can’t find you. Problem solved (sort of).

Appreciate the advice and will definitely give it a try. My building approach is very accessible because I want to be able to ride in and out on horseback and not be delayed messing with gates and doors. I tend to have multiple open gates at ground level. Most doorways don’t even have doors, those that do tend to be always open. I don’t rely on architecture at all for purge protection, I build an army for protection. And yet Funcrom still manages to think my bases need roof purges. :exploding_head:

The upshot of having very accessible architecture is that when I do get a purge spawning inside my guards outside have no problem running inside and up the stairs to deal with the purge.

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Sometimes the AI doesn’t like going through certain doorways, even when there is no door on them.

It is interesting that your guards can make it to the roof without issue if there is an obstacle causing the purge to spawn on the roof. Though the purge doesn’t actually try to target the roof, it tries to target a foundation block. Possibly if you put a foundation block inside a crevice or something while building your base, the purge might be trying to target that block and can’t because it is inside a crevice.

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From what this one has gathered, when a purge spawns, it targets a specific, somewhat random, part of your base. If that randomly selected part of the base is inaccessible by walking, then we get cloudy with raining rocknoses.

The incident of teleported gators has decreased over the years, but not ceased.


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