First NEW Purge Experience... SUCKED!


exactly what happened to my 80+ max ranked named fighters all gone except archers with a lev 8 purge lol… lessons were learned! we need to build our defenses much stronger haha

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and wnat about using poison arrow and climb on something ?

I don’t see what that actually has to do with what i am mentioning as issues

Considering you said you had 50+ thralls and coffer level of 7. Sounds like it might be actually accurate to have a wave of 30 enemies.

The purge is hard.

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maybe you are right on that, hard to know for sure until we can get that verified by devs or alot of other players, but that is just how many i managed to roughly count before me and my thralls(minus the archers that where high up) got wiped. Add the other issues i experienced, especially the part of purge not ending as it should and thrall corpses vanishing without a chance to recover items from their bodies, it is clear that things aren’t stable yet.
I also did 7 more purges at threatlevel 2-3 after i started this thread, wich i got victory on , yet enemies kept spawning in for abit afterwards and 3 times the camp actually de-spawned when i grabbed the key from boss so i could not loot the reward chests.
Hopefully they are working on some fixes already, cause i like the concept itself tbh.

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Well… “i had 30+ enemy npc’s at the same time”.don’t try you could win in doing simply that and kill them with poison…

that the way i manage purge for years including the lemurians cheif gordon purge that were making spawn 40+nps at the same time or the old berseker purges etc…

I did a Purge level IV in single player. My test base was a pyramid connected to a hallway of three gates. The hallway was packed with fighters and the pyramid had archers above the anti-climb. The purge spawned behind the pyramid and huge mobs went up the incline and attacked my archers. The mobs ignored the hallway with gates and I had to agro mobs over to my fighters. I killed the main enemy but his body disappeared and I couldn’t get the key. At level IV my framerate was starting to chug. I’m on Xbox. The mobs look bigger than the battles on AC Odyssey.

We had purge at level X and it was flawless and without any major lag.
Great fun and no one died :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you to FUNCOM for Age of War – Chapter 2

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And why would I do that - just to confirm an obvious fact thralls do use food to heal themselves? That was not the point I was making. You “boss experiment” is irrelevant because in this case boss hits hard, but it also hits slow and you have ample time to re-aggro him on you to give you thrall some time to heal.
When a wave of 10 attackers pounces at you all at once - your feasts and roasted hunches won’t make any substantial difference because healing will be constantly interrupted by damage. You seem to be unaware FUNCOM just removed almost all hyper armor from weapon swings - and now your best thrall can be stunlocked to death by a bunch of naked slaves (who, by the blessing of Funcoms glorious game designers, hit like a truck even on Purge level I)

There is only one boss fight that can more or less replicate new purge fights - Thag fight. And guess what - it had the same problems - your thrall could be constantly stunlocked by summoned skeletons and Thag himself, resulting in a loss of fully leveled and geared level 20 thrall, who could otherwise single-handedly take down a boss like Scorpion or Spider

When I proposed an experiment, I meant a pure experiment, i.e. one in which the player himself does not participate.

Why take the situation to the point of absurdity and talk about 10 attackers per defender? To prevent losses, there should be at least 8-10 thrall defenders in front of the gate. This is a minimum minimorum. Or better yet, 12-15. Then they will have a few seconds each time before a new battle with new foe, and they will be able to restore some health thanks to food. And it is precisely this preserved health that will save someone’s life, I have observed this during purges more than once.

Btw: if you play Exiled Lands you can install Ymirs Respite, midlevel to endgame mod adding alot of stuff. The Thralls from that mod and the smilodon pets(sabretooth type of pet) will be the best way to pprotect your treasures during the purge. Also the mod Caverns Of Set(from the same mod-creator and for Exiled Lands map) is another good one for endgame stuff with some sweet thralls and stuff. Also suitable for defence against the purgemobs. Getting thralls and other things are not easy tho as it requires some effort and some of the minibosses and worldbosses from them are extremely powerfull compared to normal ones.