So last update reset our purge meter… Been wondering since then if I’d see anything.
So tonight, camping out some thralls other clan members running around doing whatever we get ‘the message’
Purge occurred where nobody was actually at. We have about 4 bases spread across the map. It picked our oldest least frequented base.
Ran for about a half hour, I think roughly 10 waves. Cackle of Hyenas.
This was on official server btw, on PS4.
First half of the purge was fine. cumbersome but was working well.
Eventually there was going to be a fuсk up though as this is funcom afterall.
Sure enough after the 4th wave, every enemy going forward spawned inside of a rock. didn’t even know what we were fighting, just swinging wildly and blindly at a rock in the side of the mountain.
I guess at this point we’ll take what we can get. No purge cleared achievement/journey step/whatever or anything either.
Happy it finally happened, just felt cheated by the end though.