Official Server 3579 we have literally never had a purge occur. The purge prep notification comes up but 30 seconds later it says we beat it. Has happened maybe 4 times. Purge bar has been full for weeks. How is this not fixed???
We don’t even get purge notifications. My Purge meter is been maxed out since like the third day after launch, and I have never seen a purge occur.
Now voice chat only half-■■■ works on the PlayStation, so I’d verify with other people on the server but to be quite honest with you there ain’t a whole lot of people on the server anyway. So I would think in the course of three weeks, 7 days a week 4 hours a day, even at 24 Purge limit per day I would think I would have been hit by now but I haven’t.
Which until recently I was fine with that considering I’m not able to just sit online all damn day waiting for a purge that happen and thralls were broken so I didn’t have any way to really defend my base. But now the thralls appear to be working correctly again, now it’s kind of pointless to have thralls if there’s no Purge
Thanks the God that It dont work. We have too many issues and gamebreaking bugs that kill You and vanish your crafting stations, etc. We dont need another thing to makes thing worse.
Once they never showed up and I got my journey step for surviving the purge for doing nothing.
Second purge a “gaggle of hyenas” showed up. Apparently a gaggle is 2 hyenas, 3 werehyenas and 1 archer. All I got was the one wave, no message that the purge was over, nothing.
Now I’ve been sitting on a completely full purge meter for the past 5 days and nothing.