I mean if its a broken game mechanic how did you guys not pick it up during testing? Like really you guys seemed to have missed so many big huge broken pieces of the game that really should have been fixed pre launch.
They claim it does and a few people will say that it has worked for them. The closest I have seen it is the purge warning coming and then being over almost right away. No one that I used to play with has ever see a purge either.
My purge meter has been full for like 2 weeks its freaking rediculous.
If your not on official server, check out the post Titled: PS4 - Purge doesnt work even private server or singleplayer
Is there a document anywhere that actually fully explains how the purge works? Like what actions increase the bar, how is it balanced for solo compared to clan, offline/online, etc
On ps4 ive had 1 purge since launch. Yesterday i was notified of an incoming purge but then got another notification within seconds saying i defeated the purge (locus) so something cant be right.
Hi, all actions increase the bar, and on my settings, apparently no actions, even fill the bar.As for balance you have to find what fits your game play style, as far as how the purge works, thats gona most likely change in the big patch, im not looking forward to testing the purge another 70 sum hours, with any luck they’ll just set min. Online players to 0 that way its fixed
They could have spawned too close to a World Boss, lava, big camp,
Oh… i was near the pirate ship
Ok, big camp, if you can, try to place some foundations in the opposite direction sort of like a long sidewalk, with any luck theyll spawn closer to that
Purge system does indeed work. It’s all about what server you play on and what the settings are. For example, on a private server I was playing on, purge settings we’re maxed out to where we were getting purged almost 2-3times a week. But on official servers these purges happen less often. Also been seeing people complain about their bases being wiped from purges while offline. This doesn’t happen. The reason your buildings get wiped while your off line is because someone in your clan logged in and a purge happened at your base. What this means is, the more people in your clan, and more individual bases scattered about. The more chances a purge had to destroy your “personal building” and not the “clan” building.
Beg to differ, I have a private server, with purge settings to come on when 2 or more players logon. Yuo get the message the purge is coming,look at map for location. (out of the 3 purges only once has the cross appeared to mark location. WE have a base in the north just above the white tiger boss. Nothing came. Kept getting messages the wave coming, wave defeated. We looked everywhere for waves, looked around the whole perimiter of the base but nothing and then message purge completed. Only world boss near us is the white Tiger and we checked there and nothing. Like everything in this game the bug only seems to effect certain servers and on ohers everything works fine. It shouldnt matter what server you play on it should work on all without issue!
My own private server with only me ever logging in got hit with purge a few hours ago while I was offline. Default purge settings. Offline purges do happen on PC anyway.
What you’re saying isn’t correct. I have had 2 bases wiped while on offical servers by different purges at different times and I play solo so there is zero chance of a clan memeber logging in.
It was extremely frustrating as I play on pvp and while I was logged off the purge knocked down 3 layers of T3 walls to open up my base to the whole server
We had one Purge that actually went all the way to the bosses and probably one offline purge that seems to have actually destroyed someones base, but that’s about it. We don’t really know about that supposed offline Purge though. It was just that the whole base of someone was gone despite him being online the day before, so we assumed that this was the case.
Since then a maximum of 1 wave per Purge has spawned, but most of the time it just ends right after the warning.
Hi, on my game when i kill NPC 's and don’t harvest, the bodies stay for a very long time, but when NPC 's kill NPC 's the bodies disappear within seconds. World Bosses one hit most NPC 's, its not like their dressed in full Legion , i’ve watched the World Boss Spider Decimate 3 full waves , in a matter of minutes
This is not a true statement, I have been purged 4 times all while offline. my kids are my only clan members and I know they were not online during any of those purges. And they wreck a lot of my t3 base in the northern meadows.
I had the same thing 10 to 15 times, where the purge defeated itself. However yesterday I had my first legit purge… Damn apes!
So I think it’s getting very very very slowly better
That friggin king Scorpion demolished my entire tier 3 wall and part of my base. Its ridiculous!