Fix the inventory and crafting interface

please fix the inventory and crafting and thrall interface. is this a bug? no. is it broken? yes. the game is practically unplayable now on xbox. i cant even figure out how to use dyes now. and people are struggling to use basic crafting tables. i understand that changing the interface probably accomodated some people but it ruined the game for most of us, and we feel you should at least have an option for classic control interface in the settings.

No… everyone hates it. Just look at all of the topics here and Reddit about it. Not just on Xbox. I play on PS5.

Also, dyes are done in the dyers bench. One item at a time.

The worst is fine splitting stacks. It should have worked, but it really doesn’t. I think I’ve only gotten it to successfully work under a very few set conditions. In most cases, it doesn’t do anything.


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