Flipping stairs on every update

Okay, I generally try not to open a new topic just to gripe about something, but could the gentledevs at Funcom please stop flipping Turanian L-Shaped Stairs on every freaking update? Having to move stuff around and rebuild parts of my base every single time because all the stairs are suddenly pointed in the wrong direction is decidedly not fun.

EDIT: Not to mention that I still have no clue why the Age of War had to even touch those stairs in the first place. They’re Bazaar content, why was someone flipping them around?

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To turn the tables on us too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but I thought I placed them wrong this whole time asking myself when did I do this so I thought I was losing it :laughing: but it seems the stairs still won’t turn in my favor

To reinforce that the premium content is Pay to Lose.

A marginal jest.

There has been mention about them being oriented wrong… But that’s such a small thing…


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