I took a break from another game to come back to the exiled lands and noticed sometimes after I kill an NPC the bodies become suspended in air until they despawn. I would upload a picture but just signed up right before I posted this.
Welcome to the Forum. Once you have spent some time on the Forum you can post pictures system just needs to determine you are not a bot. I have bodies disappeare a few seconds and come back can not remember one going into the air and despawning do they drop a loot bag if not run off bit and see if they are on the. Good luck. @Supertiger34
This just started happening, I noticed it also. Cleared the Den, and on my way out saw a few bodies in the air.
It is happening to me for months, if not a year. Kill someone, run some meters, run/turn back, they are all over the place in different acrobatic positions (my favorite when they are skydiving head first into the ground ).
I think it is in connection with KO’d thralls disappearing/submerging underground.
Welcome . Later on I will send a photo for you if you want, but trust me, we know what you mean .
We have a Playstation bug report section, it is better to address these issues there .
Pretty sure these are just possessed exiles. Saw a movie where the possessed chick was just floating, so it’s probably just that. No need to worry.
Ok ty so much everyone you guys have been so helpful on this topic I’m glad I’m not the only one seeing this weird but very funny bug
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