Says it all.
Are these flying bases legal?
If one were built that it was not far from the ground would it still be legit?
Says it all.
Are these flying bases legal?
If one were built that it was not far from the ground would it still be legit?
I am seigeing one on an official and finding they are not scarce.
I’ve reported the issue for which the devs have yet to address
So I have to ask…
Is this stuff legit?
It’s an exploit that is being used and the issue here is that FC hasn’t actually stating it is wrong as they are probably trying to figure out how to stop it and not just making the declaration it is exploit and enforceable by the ToS as the engineered fix is finalized. The same should be done on any exploits that pop up…they need to publically acknowledge the issue as an exploit. Some, like Airbases, can be then reported and directly handled by admin. Other items like bomb dupe, wouldn’t be since it’s hard to prove but the bomb dupe can be used as justification why bombs need to be removed until this fix it implimented. I think they are more focused on long term fixes and that is hindering the current play. CAPA…Corrective Action/Preventative Action. They focus on the Preventative Action and forget the corrective action.
Any idea?
I find it funny that air bases havent been consider exploit yet but stacking has. At least i can find a stack base vs a floating sky base.
I guess you are right but those exploit been around for years. I had more lag issue from people decoring or building a huge base instead of the stacking. I had more lag from funcom update then the stacking lol
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