Follower Bug- Followers get bugged after sitting in chairs

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Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1945
Mods: None

Bug Description:

Followers do not switch weapons and get stuck after first combination attack. They stop attacking and just stand there not attacking. I read in another forum that it is related to ditting them in chairs? Unfortunately I sat all my thralls in chairs before I leveled them, so they are all bugged.

Bug Reproduction:

sat follower in a chair to storevthem until I had weapons and armor. Gave follower a weapon. They now seem to have a hidden weapon and get stuck in a loop.

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Thank you so much for your report and provided information.

I reported this issue and we will try to investigate it as soon as possible, meanwhile, we appreciate your patience.

If any more information pops up, feel free to reach out to us :smile:

I’m having issues on testlive with thralls that return to base not setting, but standing in the middle of chairs.

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