So, I’ve decided to finally visit the Warmaker Sanctuary with my Dalinsia today and let me tell you it was a disaster. My horse and she didn’t even follow me to the main boss arena, even though I ordered them to stand inside a few times! Nope. They waited till the gate closed. Why would they come in? Just be in your own, good luck!
When the fight was over, it took me some time cus the boss has so many hps so it becomes boring to fight him, they happily teleported right in! Good job. They didn’t have any problems doing that then.
We grabbed some treasure and headed back to the exit. After getting out of the dangeon I noticed that Dalinsia was nowhere to be found, my horse got out but she didn’t! I had to fight some skeletons on my own and then go back again to the dangeon, and then exit it again, so she finally respawned next to me and started to follow…
Another issue I noticed is that the thralls stay too far away from the player before they teleport to him/her, so far that you sometimes lose the sight of them. It happened when we were going back. When I got to the base I found out that Im alone again. I thought “well maybe she needs some time to get back to the base, since she got so far behind”. But 10 minutes passed and she wasn’t here. 20 minutes passed and still nothing. I went back to search for her and there she was, far, far away standing like nothing happened!! Guys! It’s been so many years since the release, what the hell. Please fix those bug, and for god’s sake make them teleport quicker to the player, not to stay a mile behind!
If that will help you, I got the game on steam, on PC. I play a single player game, PvE, no mods.
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Have you tried editing the following and action states on the thrall overlay? You can set folowing./chasing distance, etc
I did, but I usually order thm to stay as close to me as possible, I think that’s the best approach. Nevertheless, it all doesn’t change much.
With Living Thralls, have you ever jumped worrying that the thrall right behind you was an attacking player or npc yet?
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