Forgotten Triebe Cimmerians armor bug from chapter 4 update

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Bug
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: any
Mods: None

Bug Description:

From chapter 4 update cimmerians from Fogotten Triebe got huge armor bonus and become harder to kill, even can own thralls.

Bug Reproduction:

Go to Mounds of the Dead and fight any cimmerian.

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Same issue was in closed topic without answer:
OVERPOWERED Forgotten Tribe Cimmerians - PC Discussion / PC Bug Reports - Funcom Forums

And user @Xevyr seem to foud source of problem:

Can we get information that change is intentional or accidental? Thank You.

yep, def noticed this when I tried to tame a some “easy” t1 and t2 for starmetal weapons… oh they hit waaay harder thatn I remember, might be bugged on that too

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