Freezining and stuttering after update

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvE
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: Private

Bug Description:

Constantly stuttering on start up screens and in game

Bug Reproduction:

After the update the start up screen is stuttering and jumpy it is hard to get to game menu, in game the same stuttering and freezing even after turning off journey steps the game is now freezing all the time after the update


Same here-ps5, hard wired


Same here. Hard wired PS5, stuttering all the time since the update

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No acknowledgement of bug report from funcom makes you wonder if they care about the console community?

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Something is wrong with the new journey system, when you disable the option “show journey steps” in the gameplay settings, the game runs normal ingame. The intro stuttering can´t be fixed right now. I wonder why it happens on the base PS4, the PS4 Pro and the PS5. PS4 Pro and PS5 should handle this problem better. I found out that something is preloading when the intro cinematic runs and that brings the stuttering. On my base ps4 it takes till conan freed razma from the cross. After that the intro runs normally, but without turning off said option the game is still unplayable.


When is this issue going to be fixed?
I’m kind of upset that I even had to make an account here on the forums to complain about something so basic.
This bug is game breaking.
The game is unplayable.
You are going to lose new/paying players to the game if this kind of bug is not resolved quickly.
My Gf bought the new battle pass and hasn’t been able to progress any of it for days now. And she doesn’t want to even sign in if it’s this choppy and unplayable. If we start to lose bases because of this… I can tell you this: We won’t be coming back.


Thank you guys, for taking the time to say this properly,

I am so fed up I can’t even take the time to explain what they broke this time around. I am disappointed but unable to rally myself enough to take the time to troubleshoot why my PS4 is crashing, and build a bug report for it.

This is what I came up with before dropping Conan again and hopping back onto Dragon’s Dogma last night.

PS5; still disconnect from server when in battle (and lost a level 20 thrall because of it), bodies just disappear when killed, and tonight everything was weird. Elephants standing in one spot until you attack then disappear and are now yards away. And not just elephants. Tool works, then it doesn’t, then it does. Journey steps absolutely won’t complete stopping all progression. This is ridiculous.


Hello everyone,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Could you please let us know if you notice this stuttering/freezing in specific spots on the map? If so, please send us a screenshot of the in-game map pointing to these locations.

Do specific activities/actions make this issue worse? If so, could you please let us know which ones and give more details?

Thank you in advance :smile:

PS5, hard wired, 1 gb connection, Official 3507, The Sentinals, in my house (small and not over-lit). Yesterday, 6-8 pm eastern or so. Jerky, slow render times and very stop-motion animation-like for over 1/2 hour while just interacting with crafting tables and chests.


Hello everyone,

Thank you for this information!

Could you please answer a few more questions to assist us in narrowing down what the root of the issue could be?

  • What Console version are you playing on? (PS5, PS4 slim,…)
  • Are you using a wireless or wired internet connection?
  • Does this behavior seen on Single Player?
  • If you are experiencing this in an Official Server, please share the Official Server Number with us.

Thank you in advance! :smile:

Hi @Sarealac,
I am playing on ps4 wired connection.
I got it yesterday on the official 8023. It disappears and comes back.

The same behavior on both maps in singleplayer game.

It’s just an idea but I have the feeling the start and end of the eclipse causes everytime lag for some minutes even in singleplayer with a fresh exiles land map.

Online I am getting server disconnects while combat.

It doesn’t matter how many enemies. Sometimes it is just one bear and also sometimes everything is fine even against 15 enemies.

It happens to me only if I had followers. But can’t say this is right because the most of time I am with followers in fights.


The exact same issue has been occuring since I came back to Conan Exiles after about a year. I started a save on my main PS4 account and the gameplay was smoother compared to now. I created an alt PS4 account and began playing again over a week ago or so and the game is more sluggish and slow than before. Recently the camera turning and movement has been slow and sluggish whereas yesterday morning, early morning this performance issue wasn’t nowhere near as bad. But as of yesterday afternoon and even now as I am typing this reply, the gameplay is still the same. -Edit- Fyi my internet connection isn’t the problem either btw :).

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Same issue.
PS4 (but apparently not with a friend on same server with PS5), wireless
4 people on private server - usually 2-3, PvE.

Freezing and skipping on the Crucified Woman startup screen since the last Journeys patch.

Unplayable rubber banding and freezing. These issues aren’t small or subtle.

Early game, modest basic box sandstone base at about H6-ish area - no thralls or pets yet at this base (one other on noob river with maybe a dozen thralls), freezing and rubber banding for 20 min + stretches. Can barely move in a basic base, nearly starved about an inch from campfire food. Stuck rubber banding and killed by hyenas unable to move. One of the three gave up just outside the base and died there - again stuck, skipping, glitching, rubber banding. Sign out and on - same problem.

We just bought this game a couple weeks ago and now we can’t play it - literally unplayable for everyone with a PS4. Was somewhat glitchy (similar) at our modest noob river base just prior to the patch, but now are thinking of seeking refund.


PS4 slim,
Wired internet,
Single Player only,
(I will no longer invest my time towards online play, after two years of online gameplay, well…fool me once…
game’s performance on PS4 on Official is sub standard).

Bug 1.intro movie stutters, in new and exciting randomness with each game reload, making it difficult to skip intro movie. (occurrence since Mar. Update. was never an issue before Mar. Update Sorcery Ch 3.) gets especially frustrating considering next two bugs.

Bug 2. Random Game Lock ups.
(issue that was recently fixed prior to Mar. Update, currently lockups-slash-freeze-crash can occur in any biome. An issue that was rampant for a long time following initial introduction of BP and Bazaar was freezing and locking of game when accessing container’s and thrall’s inventories.
-This issue was SOLVED or greatly improved with the update that finally corrected sorcery for single player in the February Update.
-This was exceptional, magical, freaking amazeballs. I was able to spend much of the month of February playing Conan and using Sorcery reliably for the first time on the PS4.
-the March Update (Sorcery Ch3.) the freezing while accessing inventories, benches, and thrall’s inventory has re-emerged. Also BP and Bazaar Tabs still work better then at original BP release, but what was fixed for BP with February Update, has been broken again and navigating BP/Bazaar Tabs while completing Challenges can again lead to game-lock-freeze.

Bug3: Game freeze when fighting enemies, when followed by 2 followers, this is relatively rare, but worth mentioning as it has started re-occurring with the Mar. Update.
(Before March Update I was able to play, and enjoy Purges), I would currently not play a Purge until game issues are addressed.

Game has a fair and balanced recovery mode, for Solo Play, where following a crash game does a rollback, and followers are usually quite easy to find by backtracking path most recently taken by player.

I can confirm @ConanBodk 's observation that I have experience battle crashes with multiple enemies of varying enemy types, i.e. gorillas, AND alligators, AND birdies. (No crashes when fighting multiple enemies of same type i.e. skellies, and no crashes against Undead city Bosses yet).

New Chapter is amazing, since following the Forum Advice I can confirm the Dungeon Encounter is working correctly for my PS4. Beautiful and Balanced Encounter. And the save for that encounter’s failure is clever and balanced. Have attempted dungeon multiple times now, when killed both my thralls were kicked into the desert and both were levelled to level 20. Tried encounter a second time with two level 8 thralls fully kitted, at Dungeon completion both were levelled to lvl 20. Nice way to power level thralls, thank you for that new kick ass game dynamic. Mucho, mucho!

Thank you for this New Content, I want to sing Funcom’s praises for the amazing things your team continues to unroll, but the re-introduction of the inventory-access-freeze-crash-bug. Just makes gameplay unenjoyable.

Inventory access cannot be avoided during gameplay, so this Bug experienced on workstations, thrall inventories, AND chest inventories
“Access-Inventory-Freeze-Crash” Bug is a game killer.

damn it guys.


Further, the freeze lag, stuttering and rubberbanding is at both of our two early game basic box bases and also throughout the map (albeit to a lesser degree). Bases are around H6 river valley and noob river East, near the sentinel statues. Doing ANYTHING in the base - even walking in it - is a test of willpower. Sometimes it can be broken by doing an evasion roll, which immediately causes a stutter, and then calling up the inventory screen - which breaks the stutter and sometimes allows you to move away from whatever you are stuck on.

It doesn’t just happen at base - it hits randomly on the map and in encounters. Doesn’t seem to affect the enemies, which kill you as you stutter. Sandstorms, hunger etc proceed as normal - and you can die of hunger or thirst while hanging on a stutter. All 4 players on the server are experiencing this - including (seeming to a lesser extent) the PS5 player. It was chunking out it the one noob base a bit before, but after the patch, it hit with a vengeance. Several of our group are thinking of seeking a refund. We bought the game just before the patch

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Ldv send me a friend request on psn if you want. I did try and send you 1. :v:

The game was Semi stable and fun until 9/1/2022. Age of sorcery. Thats when console users just became unable to play with any reliability. This game is failed. Delete and move on.

Still no update on a fix huh? Getting tired of waiting.

Every time I start CE, I do the usual: untick Settings->Gameplay->“Show journey steps”

That fixes the majority of the lag. The minor issue is that after the fix there is still lag. FPS becomes a crawl at times. This minor issue looks like a DDOS, but I doubt it is one. I think some players experienced this as a major issue. Then, I think they just relog somewhere else. (ummm GTA? :man_shrugging:)