Gauging interest for PUB premades tomorrow night at around 7 PM PST. Please leave a comment if you’d like to join, or if the time doesn’t work and you’re interested, leave a time range that will work for you!
What are pub premades?
A pub premade is a term we coined for getting 12 players together in a raid, trying to make the teams as balanced as possible, and then signing up in tournament mode with each team. Discord is required!
Why should I participate?
While it’s true there’s no direct reward like tokens or gold or faction, Pub premades are a great way to practice and gain exposure to organized group PvP. It allows players to practice in an environment where others can easily give tips and explanations, as well as understand fundamentals of group PvP.
If we get enough interest (4 groups) we could even do little tournaments!
If I were in town, I would give it a thought. It sounds like a nice idea…and I hope that the more skilled pros will give provide tips and guidance, not just stomp those of us who are still learning PvP.
It’s a good idea, as long as it is not set up some that one team is declared the winner and the other team afks and/or the mini is signed with a couple that drops out leaving the unsuspecting to be in a pre-determined mini. Not saying you but I’ve experienced this setup before. Good luck!
Your concern is noted. However, we have done these before and always do our best to have the teams as close to balanced as possible. If after 1 game there is a clear imbalance, we always try to switch it up after. The goal is mini games where each team has a good chance of winning, not stomps.
I’m trying to get these set up because oftentimes the pug mini games on saga are horribly balanced with a bunch of new players on one team and nothing but pvp10s on the other. Simply put, that situation is not fun for either team.
The other goal is to help newer players understand the goals of their respective classes in a minigame while also giving general gameplay tips
only time we had real issues to balance, even with many attempts was when there was a very impactful/skilled PoM in one team, but not one available for the other.
We had a full 12 and had some new bloods who never experienced mini games with people working together before. We’ll be doing more of these in the future.
A lot of it has to do with NA prime time. A lot of the players that push for competitive mini games are NA players. I do want to have more community driven events that promotes open world pvp in non-standard zones. I will speak to some of the guild leaders and make a post about it
The main problem we had was we had 3 healers total so one team always got stuck with a single healer. Games were fun with a lot of back and forth anyways, but we all wished we could’ve given each team the standard 2 healer composition!