I have been trying to get the Daughter of Ymir to spawn. On Thursday I got her about every 11th round . I got on at 5 am on Saturday stayed on tell noon nothing. Sunday 10am tell 5pm nothing. At 15 minutes for each round of killing Thralls that’s a long time. Is there something wrong ???.
Thank you
Out here now . The prist will not spawn been waiting for 45 minutes
Me and a friend haven’t seen her yet either.
Took me about five cycles. PC. Official server. (Had confirmation earlier on vanilla private server.) When/if I get PS4 confirmation I’ll poast it.
On PC I was farming for third Beri and got the Frost Giant instead within two or three clears. I was surprised since I assumed Frost Giant would drop in the north. After that I continued to farm and no frost giant after maybe 30 clears. Could be bad RNG for you.
P.S. No Beri either.
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