I can respect your falling on your own sword like this, but there are more constructive ways to go about making change happen. If you trust me to try and handle it privately in future, hit me up via DM.
I really don’t know. With server invaders, for the last few days I’ve been going into “low tide mode,” moving all my goods to the rear. I have 50 billion glass flasks. Green dye is what, plant fibre?
As a glitchfinder I know what it’s about. It’s the thrill of “getting over” on the game. Especially when the result will be one flask of blood red versus five.
You may not be able to imagine it but that’s how it is. I see from your reply that you’re not understanding. The preview lighting is fixed. It /can not/ match the lighting your character is in and still show the true and accurate color of the dye - unless you happen to be in the same white-balanced lighting the preview is rendered with. I’m not exactly sure but I think that lighting is best matched at around noon (game time) and in indirect light (like in the shade).
Since lighting will “colorize” whatever it shines on, the preview /can not/ use current lighting and still show you an example of the actual dye color.
Yea, that’s the exact opposite of how I play. With Fashionist, I can just use color picker, but I prefer to use actual dyes, so I don’t feel like I’m cheating (though I did use it this time to get a better shade of green).
You can pretty much always assume that of me. LOL
I’m an old dinosaur, and just don’t understand squat about computers.
Umm, it’s not a bug at all, it’s physics. It’s the result of FC’s rendering engine considering the properties of light interacting with physical materials. It looks to me like they also tried to approximate how dye would interact with various materials as well.
It’s a mixed reality we live in . I do believe they used diffused white balanced light for the “preview” boxed render. For the material they seem to have mixed in base material properties (anisotropic, sheen, tint, specularity, color, roughness, transparency, etc) which combine and act to produce something different or unexpected from the patch color (die flask image). And then of course the lighting I talked about above.
There’s A LOT of artistic license here though I’m sure. This is a game and not a photorealistic rendering application like Maya, Houdini, Lightwave, or Blender. And also since we don’t have assess to the true or “real” materials who’s to say how porous the leather is for dye absorption, how oxidized the metals are, what grade and smelt process was used for the metals, WTF is eldarium, how do the dye ingredients re/act with the materials, which animal’s horn or hide was used, and so on. So “realistic” becomes very subjective. It’s whatever the artist was thinking and able to do with the tools and controls s/he had available. But they are defined and set so WYSIWYG at the end of the day.
The same sorts of questions and considerations apply to the patch colors (dye flask images). That’s what it looks like through glass and in a volumetric container with light scattering, refraction, and so on? Hehe, but again, for those images I’m sure they used a RGB “white” balance to color them on-screen and didn’t add in the color properties of the glass container etc… So, yeah, that’s likely the source color being applied - before all of the other properties are added in or subtracted out.
All these are true, yet I believe that the point of @Wolfkyn here is the preview. If he knew from the preview that this dye will give this outcome then he wouldn’t do it. It would be best if the preview was matching exactly the outcome. And if you ask me too I believe that it has to be a bug, in other colorings I had this exact behavior of preview and outcome. So I can guarantee that this mechanic works on the dyes I use.
That’s ALSO my point though - or at least one of them! The Preview box is 100% accurate and if he can get into the same light that the preview box is using (yes it’s possible and not uncommon) it will look exactly the same. Depending on the weather settings, that lighting condition is available almost every game-day for about 5 minutes real time - roughly speaking.
@TeleTesselator , I guess the best way is to test it your self too, even I will test it later. The good thing is that colors can easily go or changed, if we don’t like them . So I will test it on ps4 console to be exact to see if we are dealing with a bug here
I think maybe people are getting a little too hung up on the minutiae of why and how this is happening and maybe missing the bigger point. The Dye preview window is semi useful at best, because it so often does not show a result that looks anything like the actual result you will get. Exactly why this happens may be quite interesting, but it doesn’t solve anything. If @TeleTesselator is correct, then that means there is only a 5 minute slot in each day where the preview window will actually show the right colours. (Note from personal experience - surrounding lighting definitely affects the preview window - was dying several items and night fell - the preview window became significantly darker and I had to wait until morning to finish).
A better solution would be if the preview window actually showed the dyed results that the player will see - whatever colour is being previewed should appear the same as it will on the finished piece, Anything else is pretty useless as a ‘preview’.
This , is what I believe too and what I get so far to be honest. However I only use white and sometimes black. When I started the game I was using red a lot. But every review I has was same with the outcome, that’s why I will test, because I believe that @Wolfkyn is right, this particular color maybe is bugged in 5 hours max I will make the test.
@AxeIsAnnoying mentioned it, but it’s been flagged now. I’d rather not repeat it. As stated earlier, I’m ignorrant when it comes to computers, but I assume using exploits can mess up the game. That’s based on back when I played GTA San Andreas and used cheat codes once. When I went to save, it warned me that cheat codes can mess up save files. Never used them again. May not be the same thing, but my dumb butt don’t know the difference. Btw, just to brag a bit, 100% completion without cheat codes. Not much for a life’s work, but I was proud of it.
The dye exploit is a minor one. It helps you speed up dyeing your armor sets. On PvP we used to make 5 chests full of Silent Legion Light armor and all needed to be dyed. And repeat this process every 4 weeks because of wipes
And I hated the people who bragged about beating GTA SA back then and when I asked further about cheats they replied: “Yes I used cheats”
YES… I know my Bella is a goddess .
So I believe it is more a performance issue than a bug if you ask me. Especially when the color is getting out as exactly promised