Armor Display not showing dyes

When I put armor on the display stand that’s been dyed, it shows as the default color. I searched, but didn’t see any topics directly addressing this issue. Is it just me? I play on SP and use mods, so if it is just me, maybe it’s a mod.


It’s not just you. They didn’t implement this when they released armor displays. They said they would do it eventually, but they also said they would implement a change to allow dyeing saddles eventually. I’m guessing it’s a feature that will stay low on their priority list indefinitely and we’ll only get it when we get lucky and they have a bit of spare time for it.


No its not you exile ,this has been the way since its release, although it was updated recentley to show the illusion armours but the dyed items revert to normal colour, I was really hoping they would allow this. Hopefully in the future they might change ?

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Another issue I just found out is the armor display’s face shows through the Godbreaker helmet. Kinda creepy looking.


I seriously cannot stand the bucket head of that armor so I actually kinda prefer this. :rofl:

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Waiting for the day of dyed saddles. :crossed_fingers:t2:


Thanks to Fashionist mod, I can dye most saddles (though not the new caparisons)

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I hope they will implement colours on display
I also hope they will implement illusioned armours
And a quality of life feature to have pressing F for example swap the outfit you’re wearing with the armour on the display

Dream… dream… dream… would be so good if it come true :')


I think its because the Caparisons don’t have dye channels. Where the Saddles do (just disabled in normal game).

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Sadly yes. All of the small QOL things players want, like dying curtains, horse armor, dyes showing on armor displays etc we will probably never get.


Heck, even dyes showing on armor the way they look in the bottle would be nice. I hate choosing a colour and going to apply it and finding out it looks NOTHING like it does in the bottle. Yet on a different piece of armor, it does. There is no real consistency at all.


Wish we had more natural colors. Its nice hsving puke green and hot purple

But i want to see more natural metal colors like silver, gold, bronze, steel, star metal, Specifically for dying metals on armor. Because why not?

I say thus, because certain dyes work differently on the texture/normal maps on armor, grey dye can look too dark on some armor
Where as white dye looks like polished silver on other armor.


Full green dye is a great example of this. Looks like a bright green in the bottle, looks like green puke on armor.

If they let us have star metal colored dye, I’d use that every time. LOVE that color!

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