Just a few things to both Funcom and we’ll essentially to whom it may concern I guess. This game has so much potential, but just like most games it’s what you make of it, it’s kind of like life in a way where if something doesn’t work you can either A) do something about it, or B) complain about it. Now I haven’t in all the time playing encountered but a few blue screen errors and honestly I tend to do it to myself because I love to build massive bases, castles, fortresses, etc. Ive noticed that people who complain, my friends who complain about thralls falling through the structures and subsequently through the world are dragging them over uneven surfaces and yes that includes stairs and unproperly clipped floors, not always the case but most tested and resolved by us, my friends and I not (Funcom). I do like that they are helping and I’m here to offer them help if I can in anyway, if they see this my girlfriend is a programmer and well I’m no programmer but I would love to include some more lore or some in-depth story if not to the characters to something. I love this game and it just sucks when it’s muliplayer and there isn’t any multitude of players on any server, or rather I should say there aren’t as many as before, before being Launch. You guys are great for the idea but delivery was what screwed the pooch on this one. I do hope that everything comes through. Pets concept : cool, fantastic. QoL Settler assignment for individual tasks and patrols: ambitious, but exciting. All your plans are great but… What’s the point if there’s no one to play? I hope you guys get your bugs settled because Jebus.H.chrishas my guys I have patience but… 2 months? Come-on guys… Come on…