I’m curious what the DPS decrease actually is. I wonder if @Xevyr is curious enough to test it. I don’t have the public beta installed currently.
Javelin and Shield needs to be a META for at least a chapter or two
I’m curious what the DPS decrease actually is. I wonder if @Xevyr is curious enough to test it. I don’t have the public beta installed currently.
Javelin and Shield needs to be a META for at least a chapter or two
I want to see a rework of that one as well.
Or at least speed up the animations. Especially the first hit retention speed…
I can destroy spear users with the two handed sword, so I’d say there’s already enough variety but what this constant changes mean is they ignoring the huge problems the still have in the code and focusing on senseless changes when they need to fix the code in general, how many months have passed and still haven’t addressed the epic version armors variant problems in Siptah?
I mean about the money people have invested in the game and seems like the right time to stop playing it and we better take our money to another game where developers do care about delivering a good and working product to their clients.
It does matter, because someone in Funcom has a deep and abiding love for daggers, which rarely, if ever, see the shadow of the nerf bat.
Who’s that?
The only one I know of who has a love for a certain weapon type is Dennis and his two handed maces.
Don’t know, but would love to.
Daggers miss most every round of nerfs, have one of the most developed and versatile attack patterns, stack dots with terrifying alacrity, and have a very cool sheathing animation.
If only every weapon got as much love.
Daggers have been nerfed more than once actually, so no, that is not the case. And daggers haven’t even been all that great, it was mainly the Fenrox daggers AND that idiotic target lock. Hell, remove target lock and lets see how “OP” daggers are.
It’s funny how they insist on this feature staying in the game.
The spear nerf is just a bandaid for a symptom of the actual problem.
Dennis just does not get it.
Would rather see a change on how stamina works. Not saying that the old system was flawless, but I’d like to see at least a partial return to how stamina used to work.
This new super quick regen is ridiculous.
Tbh even as a pve player target lock isn’t very useful and even kinda sucks when playing with friends.
It will more often target your friends and their followers than the enemies you’re trying to fight together. If they removed it I wouldn’t miss it.
As a console player, I have used target lock on occasion as autofacing sometimes goes wacky and I start swinging at another enemy 2 squares away and ignore the finishing blow on the target right in front of me.
They nerfed the fun already, so not a clue…
The bar is pretty low for me atm.
Spear has been the dominant melee weapon in Conan pretty much since launch. Its reach has always given it a huge advantage, but in this meta roll-poking is basically the sole viable melee strategy.
There’s no weapons that can out-hyper a spear in melee. That said, the solution to spear being so dominant isn’t to strip its identity as a weapon by turning it into a glaive, but to just restore hyper armor to trading weapons so that you can punish roll-poking.
All the current set of changes is going to do is create a dagger-spam meta because without weapon hyper armor the trade winning weapon will always be the one that stuns first.
2h Great Axe will be even stronger with the new momentum system. Disengaging being made more difficult in a 3 hit kill burst damage meta is a mind boggling decision. I like the idea of jousting becoming less viable through momentum, but they need to institute the sort of health and hyper armor that allows for trading.
Bows are just going to stay broken until Conan becomes a ranged game. With daggers entering the stage as the meta weapons it’s only going to become more common to see people trading with daggers and swapping to bow as a chaser.
Previously, daggers were a good chasing weapon that could be countered by the reach of a spear or the starting hyper of trade weapons like the 1h sword or 1h axe. Now that trade weapons have lost their viability from a lack of hyper, the sole counter to the speed of daggers is the spear.
Once the spear’s heavy moveset no longer takes advantage of its poking reach, the counter to daggers will be… daggers. The 2h axe MIGHT be able to stun them out of a moveset but that’s going to be a gamble every time.
Granted, these are all compounding issues. Funcom has worked hard in AoW to strip as many weapons of their viability and identity as possible so we’re left with about 2 weapons worth using.
I probably should’ve replied to this more holistically in my last post, because you have some really good points here.
This happens, but not as often as you’d think. The thing with a competitive meta is that it encourages theory crafting to see what really is the top dog. Sometimes weapons really are just more viable.
Spear dominates in this environment because the weapons that countered it or the factors that mitigated its effectiveness have been mitigated or removed entirely. Some examples include:
-Trade weapons now lack starting hyper so they can’t stun a spear user out of roll-poke spam.
-Instant stamina regen means that there is no downside to endlessly roke-poking in melee.
-Spear is no longer mostly constrained to str builds, because the meta is now 20 str, 20 agi, and 20 vit. This also means that all spear users benefit from the Rolling Thrust perk.
-Extremely high damage means that you die in three so a single failed trade means death, incentivizing players to pick a safer weapon instead of gambling on trades.
Bows are better for almost the same reasons as spears. They’re now low-risk weapons with tons of reach that can kill in only three hits. If TTK was closer to AoS or prior versions of the game, spears and bows wouldn’t be anywhere near as deadly because players could heal and recover with careful maneuvering. Now? Stopping to chug a potion is a death sentence and food healing takes too long in an environment where 3 hits kills you.
This I’d whole-heartedly agree with in any other version of the game. Previously, each weapon had a niche and there was a counter-wheel of situational viability. Now that fights end in 2-3 hits and hyper armor isn’t as big of a factor, the fight goes to whoever can deal the most damage over the shortest period of time without fail. Combos don’t matter. Trading isn’t viable. Recovery isn’t as viable. Stamina management doesn’t exist.
Want to use a trade weapon like a 1h sword, 1h axe, 1h mace, 2h sword, or 2h mace? Not enough hyper armor or movement to survive against a 3-hit weapon. Those big scary combos no longer matter because you’re dead before you even reach the finisher. You can use a 2h axe! Why? Because it attacks so fast on that first tap that it stuns an enemy and prevents a trade. Same goes for the spear. Can’t beat that reach or the spineless playstyle of endlessly rolling and poking.
So many of the attributes that previously determined a build’s viability have been stripped away. The meta is determined by fewer factors than ever before. With the spear’s viability removed, the next weapons of choice will be daggers and the bow.
The point of a buff/nerf should always be to bring one weapon in line with other weapons without removing its situational viability. The spear is a great chasing weapon, but it shouldn’t be a strong trading weapon.
The easiest way to mitigate the issue would be to restore old weapon hyper armor and raise the TTK so that trading actually matters again, then reduce weapon stamina use and stamina regen speed so that rolling and poking is a weaker option than engaging in trades. In other words, revert values back to Age of Sorcery or prior. I know that’s the tired byline of a thousand posts at this point, but it was just a healthier and more diverse PvP meta than what we’ve got now.
I never really did like hyper armor (though for the record here, I don’t necessarily like how it was outright removed). It always felt arcadey and gimmicky to me. Instead of returning how it was, I’d like to see the animations adjusted so we don’t need it. Where longer attacks are protected not by unflinchable frames but by the fact the previous attack flinched the opponent. And then our larger attacks that have longer animations have hyper armor on the end of the attack where the momentum of the attack would be carrying you through regardless. Longer on heavier/slower weapons, and shorter or nonexistent on smaller/faster weapons.
We’ve been needing an animation overhaul for a while now. The first attacks on the 1H Mace for example… like what?
As for the dodge and poke thing. Don’t get your hopes up and therefor save your breath on that. There’s been dozens of suggestions made to fix that, and a certain dev keeps digging their heels in and complaining it will affect something else when the effect would be negligible. There was a suggestion they made that unfortunately I don’t think would have made much a difference given how fast stamina regens on default settings. But we didn’t (or at least I didn’t see it in the Chapter 3 public beta). I would say watch for Chapter 4 and see what they do by then. If Chapter 4 hits public beta, and nothing has changed on this front, expect it to just be what Conan Exiles is. Its unfortunate, but its how these updates work now.
Dude, no arguments here. But wrecking the spear a little was not a bad idea because they were very dominant.
Now, you might win against an opponent with a spear while using a 2h sword because you’re likely to be a well above the average player. Most can’t.
Do I see this as a priority? Not by a long shot. I don’t even see it as a necessary change for the game to be fun. More, I’m not even sure this will end the dominance of the spear on pvp.
But it was about time the spear got nerfed, not in dmg, but in the move set.
It is arcady. But it was extremely important when fighting. If you timed it right, you were nearly invulnerable. This is easier said than done. If you get it right 50% of the times in real combat, you’re an ace.
They could have kept "half "of it. You received the dmg, but not the stun. Your attack would still land.
Removing it completely without breaking combat would require a more polished system Conan Exiles simply doesn’t have or ever will.
That seems to be the root of most changes, both those being asked for and those being implemented. Requests are made to fix the symptoms, but not the causes. Fixes (if you would actually call them such) are more of bandaid’s tossed on top of symptoms which never address the root cause of the problem at all. And those bandaids come with such heavyhandedness that they in turn cause new problems of their own.