Funcom Live Services won't connect

I am no longer able to connect to Funcom Live Services. It fails on start up every time. I ran diagnostic on my PlayStation 4, my ISP is connected and functioning just perfect, at least for other games. What is happening? I did a last search and this has been an an ongoing issue that Funcom has been aware of since June 2020. It is almost 2022. In almost 2 years, this has not been corrected on the PlayStation, why? What are we missing by not connecting to Funcom Live Services?


Good question. We have been having to reconnect to playstation fault disconnect report to Sony then it connects. Then go to Funcom live some times it works others not We have not seen a difference. We are playing on private server’s.

On pc, when this was happening it was a BattleEye problem. If you turned it off it would connect. I’m not sure if Playstation uses BE or not but if it does, what happens if you (if you can) turn it off and try to connect.

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Can we just get the request for connection turned off until fls is stable? It’s the waiting that kills me the software to recognize it’s not connecting

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I am connected to PlayStation, I’m able to Play Fortnite and Modern Warfare online with others and I’m able to use our voice party even while connecting to Conan Exiles. However, I fail to connect to Funcom Live Services every time since last update. What am I missing? Is it my ISP? Is it FunCom? It can’t be GPortal, because I’m just starting the game, it doesn’t know whether I’m going to an official server or private, I’m just trying to load the game!!!

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It’s FLS’s not your ISP. This has happened a few times now. The first time it happened I personally couldn’t play on officials for 4 or 5 months. I hope it’s not that long for you guys.

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I still get online even when Fls says it is not connected and some functions not available don’t notice a difference. I am on Ps4.

Really, your lucky. When FLS wouldn’t connect for me I couldn’t get on any official server. I could connect to servers that had BE off though.

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OK that explains it I play on a couple private server’s mostly will have to try a old official one

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I play exclusively on ps4 official server 3827 (PVE-C). I haven’t noticed any difference when FLS doesn’t connect. It has happened a number of times.

Either way, waiting for FLS to decide whether it’s going to connect or not is a nuisance.

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It will be er connect for me. It never lets me pick a server it never gets that far. Starts telling me I’m not connected to PlayStation network, not signed in when I am
Then, fails to connect to Funcom Live Services, every time.


I think for you it’s more than just BattleEye. @RabidChimp805

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