Not connecting to Funcom Live Services

Game mode: [ Select one: (Online official | Online private | Single-player | Co-op)]
Type of issue: [ Select one: Performance | Other ]
Server type: [ Select one: PvP | PvE-Conflict | PvE ]
**Region: America
**Hardware:PS4 or 5

Bug Description:

After starting the game, and clicking Play online, it gives a looping like loading and still says unable to connect to Funcom Live Services.

What am I missing if I’m not able to connect to Funcom Live Services?

Steps to Reproduce:

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. Please be as detailed as possible; the more details, the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. (etc)
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I can not see a difference however we are playing on private servers.

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Are you still able to get into the game with FLS not working? (It sounds like you are - it’s just that on PC, if FLS doesn’t load you can’t access even singleplayer). If you’re getting into the game fine, then to be honest I’d say you’re not missing much - FLS seems mostly just to be there to manage your CE ‘friends list’, it might be needed for co-op play, but I’m not sure of anything it does that’s essential. (I don;t really understand why they haven’t combined whatever functions it has into the new launcher instead - but I’m guessing there’s some complication that means it’s not worth doing.)

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Yes I get in the game worked this time saw there was someone on server before I loaded. Don’t normally see people on server’■■■■■ and miss
No playstation load screen recently possibly since last update.

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I’ve been getting blue screen crashed about 5 an hour telling me to update the game that is already fully updated. Is it because I’m not connected to FLS of which I’m getting these blue screen crashes?

It’s extremely frustrating!

My partner and I are having issues as well. Our server is not loading through at all, and we are both on ps4. We get to the point where we should be loading into the game and it’s not going through and sends us back to the main menu with the notice that our connection to the host was lost.

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