Funcom should take a lesson from Iron Gate

Just what the topic says…

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Yep…pvper here, but let’s just say in 40 hours on a private I am having more Conan style journeys. Even the others on server joke about my 2 week in game journeys abroad exploring and fighting.

You’re referring to how large the map is and how you can just sorta have fun going from point A to point B?

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Are they supposed to read your mind on what you mean as a suggestion? I have no clue what Iron Gate is.


no, and since you do not share your thoughts with us I also do not say what I say no to…just no


For those who don’t know what he is talking about, i guess it’s about the new survival game in EA, set in the Scandinavian mythology: Valheim,

I don’t know how good Valheim is, but coffee stain published deep rock galactic which is one of the best co-op games I’ve ever played, their new survival game looks promising but i haven’t played it.

And by the way the topic says almost nothing, i know about it because I’m interested in it, but next time try to put more effort to your share of thoughts, it could be more useful.


Funny how my mind jumped to Valheim instantly without reading the title entirely. Everyone is talking about how good it is because of that unscripted gameplay experience where you can do whatever you want. It’s the last survival game, launched just a week ago.
The survival aspect of the game is done better, with interesting details such as drowning if you’re out of stamina, or you can’t benefit from the same food item twice.
Valheim is also highly appreciated because of it’s procedural generated worlds and playstation2 art style graphics, which I personally dislike.
The game however has alot of downsides to it such as the fact that it’s a singleplayer game. The co-op is terrible because of the desync between players, animations feel like they were done using youtube tutorials(they’re really bad), UI is a complete mess that makes it very hard to understand what’s happening on the screen.
I would give the game a try if they had high populated servers instead of that co-op thingy. The studio behind it don’t seem to aim in that direction and have said they have a hard time implementing the net code which means it will forever be a singleplayer game and bad co-op experience.
All in all, I’ll pass.


You’re comparing a triple A company (funcom, that’s also quoted in the stock market) that almost went bunkrupt and saved themselfs off the skin of their nails thanks to conan exiles(i’m not saying it’s a good or bad thing, just stating facts), to a 4 ppl dev team with little previous experience and a 4-5 years base development time frame and no rush? (keep in mind valheim was on itch for io as an alpha demo for several years)
Also you’re comparing a game that the devs themself didn’t know what they wanted to do with (remember when there was no PVE during early access and you could raid tier 1 with iron tools 24/7?), to a game where the devs had-have a very clear vision where they won’t to go with?

Ok, weird flex, but ok.

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Absolutely. Dev teams, especially small ones need patience and support from players. I’ll probably never play Valheim, but I’m 100% behind them and completely rooting for their success. I feel bad that people are already bringing out the huge amounts of criticism and hope the dev team doesn’t lose heart.

So in the interest of facts, Conan Exiles is not an AAA game. It had 7 people working on it for a large part of it’s Early Access period (source is Joel Bylos twitter, circa 2017). The team slowly grew from there, but Funcoms true staffing didn’t really take off until Tencents acquisition this last April.


When people(this user @ValheimIsBetter and @pageslinger ) claim it’s the best survival game in comparison with other titles in the same genre, they ask for this criticism.


Games are not triple A, companies are…look where funcom came from…anarchy online anyone? :wink:

Saying a company quoted in market stocks is not triple A is like saying macdonald is an organic restaurant. :wink:

Absolutely, but trolls gonna trolls, and comparing this 2 games, val and conan, is like comparing rust and the forest. An obnoxious dicotomy.

I’ve got 46 hours in the game so far and I can say…For EA, it’s real nice. The graphics are the downfall really and it’s not optimized yet but other than that…it’s a great game. I can’t wait to see where it goes.

From what I’ve seen and heard, it’s very good. I tried it too, the first thing that I disliked was the building system compared to Conan. Otherwise it’s neat. Graphics could be better yes, but I guess it’s the art style of the game:

Also Steamcharts shows a huge popularity:

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The boats are very cool. So is being able to terraform a little here and there.

I have played 50 hours. The coop is if you want it, but they did the feel of a journey way better than CE.

won’t spoil much, but the world is huge…and after following it for thebweek on discord, they have plans to implement more mobs etc.

The building is different, but everything from smoke to walking thru fire leans survival.

To journey you have to pack up your supplies and choose wisely, or dying will frustrate you.

Graphically it is PS2, but the art comes together…especially during a intense storm at see in the fog…

I find it more engaging than high grind rates of CE…

On Valheim yes…CE is small when using obbies…and even in 15 minutes I ca go from desert to Volcano…then what? Repeat over and over to build bases that stick out against the actual in game structures sorely.

“The game however has alot of downsides to it such as the fact that it’s a singleplayer game. The co-op is terrible because of the desync between players,”
Not true…played 6 hours with a group of 7 on dedicated, some together and some solo journeying…7 is a number most officials on CE would love to have on at one time.

:joy: :joy:

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Not all of us have 7 friends to play with.
Most of my friends are playing other games and would not even touch a survival game. :frowning_face:
At least Conan Exiles has official servers and has allowed me to join many communities with ease.