Funcom some needed ideas


Really like the last update it really helps those who do more with the game than straight pvp . Some may not like the extra stuff cause it interferes in their pvp but the bigger thing is we want more abilities and what they dont they can start their server of their own server if they don’t like it but having it for those who want it helps the game .
But somethings hurting the console side that needs to be apart of the game without having to mod or add it on .
Us server owners need away better admin panel with pippis features and more.
-To adjust player characters so they don’t have to completely start over to customize their looks and name attributes.
The ability to add or subtract attributes points to fully give players full attributes admin can charge em something to add more points passed the cap or take cap up or with ability to have sliders for max player level and how many attribute points per level gained so players can max out attributes at some point , same with thralls
-add fantasy features to the character creation menu for looks of elves dwarfs orcs vampires goblins cyclops werewolves centaur or add these features in a dlc and to have thralls you can spawn in that resemble elves dwarves orcs vampires goblins cyclops werewolves centaur abominable snowman ghost dragons with wings zombies giants and dark elves so roleplay servers an have features to help give us admins Add content to our servers like those npcs to go with roleplaying which this games influences alot even if its a dlc to add these themes npcs and character feats to add more roleplay options
-Need a advanced loot spawner make it a chest with options set certain items or all items in random order set a certain amount of items or random but cap it at 10 that way admin just sets down and sets it and a time to refill every min hr day week etc random items for adding loot in admin made dungeons.

  • a random thrall spawner where you place the item where you want npc to auto spawn and respawn certain types sizes include giants and tiny people and creatures. Allow to set their attributes and level or make it random for player admin made dungeons
  • Need a buggy for horse scope for lookout
  • In admin panel we should have a npc follower slider to set how many followers each player can have on our servers 0-10 rp needs this where each player can have their own regiment
  • Consistently add more dlc to add roleplay themes
  • We need a more thorough ranking system allow us to add and remove ranks and allow us to name them customly unless we like rank name you put in the clan menu
  • Thralls need a slider for how close they can be to each other its redicous they cant huddle or be placed in same area aesthetics is off on making it look the part
  • Themes for dlc packs for thralls weapons gear dresswear building materials for roleplay aspect
  • Norse mythology since it relates
  • Roman greek mythology
  • Japanese ChineseDynasty
  • Horror theme vampires werewolves ghouls demons
  • the sentinels could have a theme have npcs of them make character look like them or other aliens theme
  • Dungeon n dragons
  • Supernatural things

Thrall commands needs a roaming one to patrol areas
We need a jail system
Behead hangings able to throw players on crosses like beginning of game for their clan to rescue
In game currency
And bank system
Store system

All this for all platforms

One point regarding the more fantastical elements in your list of suggestions: Conan Exiles is a licenced product based on Robert E. Howard’s Conan stories. Elves, orcs, werewolves, vampires, Roman/Greek gods, Chinese dragons, etc. don’t fit in that theme. Funcom wants to, and is most likely contractually obliged to, stay true to the lore of the Hyborian Age world.

There are mods that add all sorts of fairy tale elements into the game, but the official product cannot.

All amazing ideas but ive got one and it was a brilliant idea that funcom did at the start of the lockdowns in most countries and that’s give official servers boasts in exp or harvest rates. I think maybe bring it in that once a month that officials get a random server boast cause i saw on 3177 that when it was done before that the server population went up and retention was strong.

This is a Conan game, not a random fantasy universe. You’re supposed to be in a very old age of our Earth, before Egypt and Sumer, with some little remnant of “fantastic” creatures (white apes, ice giants, giant snake and spider, serpentmen …) or events. They already got very very far, exploiting most of the novels “creatures” and adding new (crowmen, deep ones, locusts !).

So seriously, don’t make a garbage fantasy universe by adding elves, dwarfs, orcs and all things that we see everywhere else. Same things for Asian mythology, by all gods no ! Khitai is only mentionned in Conan’s novel, he never get there. This is going to be ridiculous.

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