Think we the players should speak as one and tell Funcom what we really want for them to moderate there official servers … I understand they might be understaff but with trolls and griefers going rampant on official servers I believe it is needed … I’m sure Funcom can figure out a way to do it, it’s not like they need to be on the servers everyday but to check them every one in a while or even check the servers players are complaining about … Funcom has the money (our money) to make this happen … Funcom does not need to be harsh and ban players at least not right away but give guilty parties warnings before unleashing bans … is this what us paying customers want? Speak your thoughts on this matter and let Funcom be aware this is what is needed and what there community wants.
We can speak as one as much as we want, but at the end of the day, they’re a company and they won’t put their profit at risk because we spoke up.
Yes, the official servers need moderators. No, it ain’t gonna happen.
Well maybe funcom could show us on this Thursday stream how mounted players are going to deal with the first snake foundations plaguing most servers … well maybe the horses could jump over them idk
Why not remove 60% of dead empty servers and take 4-5 GM with ticket support ?
Number of servers and the number of players is disproportionate.
Because running such servers costs much more than unmoderated ones. Maybe better they’d try to offer less free official servers but a couple of moderated official servers with month fee?
Trolling and griefing might be annoying and in some cases making the server unplayable, but it’s mostly not against the rules anyway.
And I don’t think Funcom even has tools to see exploits being used (since they want clear video proof), so in many cases admins probably wouldn’t help anyway. (and if they had the tools, full time admins wouldn’t really be needed)
I am personally neutral to the topic as I play on private servers exclusively. Moderating servers is easier said than done and people tend to overreact. I still feel that fixing the exploits has to be the priority and Funcom should only interfere in extreme cases. I would rather have them get 1-2 more people working exclusively on security fixes than 5 GMs dealing with baby rage requests.
@Ko6ka Once you start paying for servers you will hold them accountable for everything: performance, rules enforcement, bugs, items recovery, etc.
Why is this happening, I am paying X amount? I lagged and lost my gear! My shrine disappeared! This guy called me a cow!
They could atleast check the server if there is a serious griefer around.
Not like: “Someone build to close to me!”
But more like: “Someone is spamming foundations with spiked walls arround oblisks or important resources.” “Or someone is walling off the Volcano.”
They do it on exceptionally circumstances! But people cry so much is very hard to police everything!
Spamming foundations is not against the rules unless this foundations stop players from playing the game, (I.e blocking the whole beginners area)
Also because you pay they dont have to bend over backwards for all of “your whims” (universal you) I can tell you that even though “the costumer is always right” is good practice, customers are very rarely right!!!
I think they do a good enough job at trying to please as many as possible and this guys are only but human!
Both are allowed on official
That’s what I said foundation spam with spiked walls is only used to make sure no one can reach it but them (In PvE and PvE-c)
Spamming foundations is not bannable and these people often leave anyway so no need to moderate I agree (altough the game was n’t ment to be played like that, but that does n’t make it bannable ofcourse :P)
Which still isn’t against the rules
Ehrm Funcom banned a player in server 1036 PvE-c for walling off a oblisk.
So there are rules, but a lot of people had to report this before Funcom took action.
Which makes sense when you see the huge load of reports from players about small things.
If there are rules or no rules we can all agree to just play the game like a normal player and play the game how it is intended. Would be great if they posted a sticky topic about what is allowed and what is n’t. Griefing annoying other players intentially is n’t what Conan Exiles is made for, but its possible.
There’s been indefinite reports of people blocking obs and I never heard of anyone getting banned over it before (blocking an obs doesn’t make the game unplayable, blocking the starter area does). Sure he didn’t also do other stuff? Seen the reason directly from FC or just heard stuff?
I’m pretty sure the players are intended to kinda make their own rules. I understand stuff can be more annoying on PVE(-C) and maybe there should be more rules there, but tbh I like the anarchy of PvP and wouldn’t want it changed.
You mean you havent heard about it till now, Prologue just gave you an example of it happening and with server number. So from this point on you will have to say you have only heard of it happening once ;).
I think in many cases people complain but either don’t follow the right channels to report this kind of stuff or not enough people report to make Funcom look into it, I also have heard cases of Funcom getting involved in situations like this, I may even remeber seeing obelisk blocking as a stated offense that can be reported, although I would have to have another look.
I would say if you or your clan are blocking obelisk and havent been banned it may just be that there arent enough people reporting it to make Funcom take a look, but that doenst mean it is allowed, and I would say it may just be a matter of time until they get enough reports to actually investigate. So rather be safe than sorry and don’t stoop to that level of bumhole play
I have now heard someone make the claim. Doesn’t mean I know that was the reason
It has been mentioned many times that it has to be game-breaking and obs blocking isn’t
And I never blocked an obs (but I’ve helped keep a few open). There’s stupid stuff I won’t do, but I’ll still defend peoples right to do it.
Fair enough, I wasnt implicating that you had, was more making a general statement about those that do such things.
Well server got offline after the reports from our fine community.
Shortly after the server was online again the players that were griefing and harrasing never returned again.
Can’t find an official statement about the ban from Funcom but we are sure they got banned.
Like I said, after a lot of people reported this on the forums about these griefers Funcom did something. Patience and legit reporting can result in a ban.
Saying its not against the rules is in cases like these pointless to say the least.
PvP is different Im talking about PvE
I’m pretty sure pve and pvp servers have the same rules (not 100% though).
Maybe he just got tired of it and a ddos was his final goodbye?
Thats a really unreasonable demand. Funcom has a really small team on CE and has already fixed costs to run those official servers. CE has no constant monetization model like an ingame shop. There is simply no way to monitor individual player behaviour unless its a case that helps to fix exploits being used for good.
Also note that griefing and unfair behaviour is nothing that would be targeted by moderation as its not against the rules. I think if you play PvE-C you have to consider that the server is particulary vulnerable to stuff like this. Regarding exploits and cheats I hope those things get fixed on a technical side. You would just end up banning half the player base whenever an exploit goes public.