Okay, so it’s not my first time bringing this up. Let me try again now after a few months of being silent.
I’m proposing this issue:
The temperature resistance is wildly disproportionate, and more of an inconvenience or annoyance that works against the feeling of freedom when it comes to armor,drink and food.
It does not contribute to the feeling of cold/hot weather survival more than it takes away from the experience of a sandbox game.
My thoughts:
As I’m sure we all do, I love the variety packed into this game. Cultures, designs and uses in a myriad of choices, but I personally find my choices limited by half because of the temperature system.
I’ll explain why. The amount of grid squares on the map that makes up the playable area number about 130. 130 squares of space.
Out of these 130 squares, only 23 of those squares have a climate where you will suffer debuffs if you go there in full flawless heat-resistant gear. Likewise to the opposite, if you visit the rest of the map outside those 23 squares in full flawless cold resistant gear, you’re going to be boiled sweaty barbarian within a few seconds.
Even when including the DLC armors, i found that just about 50-60% of the armorsets in the game are Cold Resistance armor. Meaning that this is divided down the middle, and we’ve gotten it explained before during a devstream that the reasoning for this is for balance, not for realism. (I.E. why the zamorian thief armor which is skimpy and showing lots of skin, is Cold Resistant gear.)
So, this is a game design choice, and i would argue (without blaming anyone here, i love the game very very very much!) that that choice was a bad one.
We don’t really need heatstrokes and frostbites covering the map that will kill us if we wear one thing or the other, there can be more interesting mechanics here. Movement speed, thirst rate, stamina decrease etc are better than adding health drain ontop of it. More so, we certainly don’t need to cater away half the game’s awesome gear to those very few who live in the only cold 18% of the map - and make them sweat their badonkadonk off when they go south, forcing them to change outfit or armor again.
This becomes beyond annoying when a change in armor means a change in stats, making a trip through the snow (or down to the sand for those who live there) a whole ordeal of changing gear, bringing extra gear, potions to respec with etc. It’s a damn hassle, and I for one hope it gets changed.
I logged in today to enjoy the new DLC, and kind of raged when i noticed my favourite armor (the blood and sands assassin armor) had suddenly been changed from heat resistant gear, to cold resistant.
My other favourites too, are cold resistant. The entire Turan set for example, all 3 of them are cold resistant, making them pretty much impossible for me to enjoy since i build in the deep swungle, and i hate that my favourite stuff has to lay in some chest, and i can never use it other than those rare times i go north for star metal.
PLEASE, read my post this time. I think this is my third thread on the subject and i’m really, really frustrated over this bonkers system.
I made a different map this time, counting all the squares of playable area and dividing them into what armors work where. I took ONLY heat resistance and cold resistance into account, with heat resistance as “normal.” Every red “H” you see is an area where heat resistant gear providing a full 10 heat resistance will work perfectly. No debuffs.
In the cold area, marked with a blue “C”, you require at least +3 cold resistance, up to +10.
I love the frozen north too, but please don’t trick me on more DLC gear. In fact, stop playing with all of us on this, wether we belong in the snow or in the desert, or jungle, or volcano, wherever !