Funcom/Zendesk Support Ticket Status Bug

Every support ticket to Zendesk is immediately displayed as solved.

Normally, the status “solved” only appears when the ticket has been processed or the problem has been resolved. Either there is an error in the status display and the tickets are processed anyway, or the tickets are set to “solved” due to an “error” and are not processed at all.

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i am glad i am not the only one.

it looks to me, as of this weekend, Funcom decided to stop providing support for conan exiles,

we are on our own :frowning:



now if you open a ticket with dune awakeneing it does not close.

the last oone that says open (thats dune awakening) is not “autosolving”.

Looks like Conan exiles RIP. (they are done supporting this game)

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That is egregious. And that is not the proper way to address a mass flood of tickets regarding an issue that has not been corrected.

:rage: :rage: :rage:


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I’m so frustrated I don’t even have words.

This case is NOT SOLVED:

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try opening a ticket for dune awakening, and see how it stays open…

i am speechless.


Since Zendesk #203467 was ERRANTLY marked “SOLVED”, I have opened another ticket regarding the BattlEye issue.

#203677 is properly in status “OPEN.” Please note that due to the Conan Exiles “auto-solved” issue, I opened this ticket under Dune Awakening.

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@Buhrau - Thank you very much for bringing this issue to our attention!! <3

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You are welcome :fist:

Of course, I hope that the tickets whose status is shown as “solved” are still being processed or confirmed and that this is not an error or an intentional setting in the ticket system.

I would not count on that assumption. If they are auto-solving, chances are not a soul will see any of them. Guaranteed.

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Unfortunately, that’s what I assume too. But maybe we’ll be shown that problems are being taken care of

:joy: :joy: :rofl:

Oooooh. Good one.

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Greetings everyone,

Thank you for taking the time to report this situation to us.

Regarding the situation at hand, the forums are the appropriate channel to report on bugs like these, please avoid creating tickets on unrelated topics.

Relating to the “Kicked by BattlEye” error, does this happen every session? Does it also happen on single player? Which official servers have you seen this occurring on?