This is how Funcom chooses to deal with players calling out favoritism in their dealing with reports.
Let’s gather the facts. One server, one clan, in recent weeks has successfully had various long-standing bases wiped, enemy clans banned, seemingly at their will. They report something, and it’s wiped and players are suspended within a day.
However, this clan is reported for land claim abuse, blatant exploits (recorded by various players at various times) and other clear violations and these reports are not acted upon, if ever even resolved or responded to.
I shared a screenshot directly from Funcom, where I am literally told not to report the zombie exploit again as “they’re working on it.”
So, in a nutshell, if you are anyone but this particular clan, and they don’t like you, you’re wiped and suspended at their behest. If you ARE this clan, you can land claim, exploit, and abuse anything with zero consequences. Might I also add that this clan brags about their standing and ability to do this? Imagine.
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