Funcom's Rui Casais: From junior programmer to CEO

~ Some players of Age of Conan are under the misperception that Funcom does not know how to code AoC; they couldn’t be more wrong.

~ CEO Rui Casais began his career as a junior programmer on Age of Conan in 2004, extended his contract two more years to finish the game, and never left. One could even say he is married to the company, because his wife is also an employee. Leaving his home country in Portugal to move to Norway, is an amazing commentary on his passion for Funcom, AoC, and adventure gaming.

~ If there is anyone in the world you would want working for Funcom, to guarantee the game we love survives as long as possible, there is only one … Rui Casais.

Funcom’s Rui Casais: From junior programmer to CEO
We speak to the chief exec about his journey to the top, and why he has stayed with the Conan Exiles studio for more than a decade

In 2004, a young Rui Manuel Monteiro Casais joined Norwegian MMO developer Funcom as junior programmer. Ten years later, he was running the company (and still does).


Few complete such a journey - not only because there are only so many CEO positions in the industry, but also because many developers gain experience by moving to different companies throughout their career.

Casais’ lifelong service to Funcom began when he was a student in Portugal, finishing his Masters in Computer Science and Engineering. As he prepared to send his CVs to various gaming firms, a friend who played Anarchy Online noticed on Funcom’s forums that the company was hiring.

One position - junior AI programmer - tied in perfectly with Casais’ thesis on artificial intelligence for online games. He applied, was interviewed by Funcom managers who flew to Portugal, and three days after handing in his thesis, Casais was in Oslo, ready to start.

“I started with a one-year contract, but I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll be here two years and then I’ll move on’,” he tells . “But I wanted to finish the game - I joined as they were making Age of Conan, which was supposed to launch in 2006 but ended up releasing in 2008. After two years, I was promoted to lead programmer, and right before launch I was promoted to chief technical officer.”

“When I became CEO, I didn’t know if there would still be a company a year later because we were in such dire straits,” he recalls. “But now things are looking up, it’s very different to how it was before, and if anything we’re expanding into other areas to solidify our base even more.”


James Batchelor
UK Editor
Wednesday 22nd August 2018


but that does not bring us any bug fixes and updates.


Gratz for his level up without powerleveling in Khesh :+1:

But I would expect at least some love from this man going back to the game where he started - to AoC.

He has all feats needed, maxed AAs to the top, gear and exp. :crossed_swords:

We are ready to take you in our group/raid, Mr. Rui. The only thing we want in return is your heart beating for Hyboria once again :heart:

I wish you and Funcom all the best and looking forward to next week fin. report stream :sunglasses:


and why does not new content arrive?
only a small 6 man ini would be enough!

Nice spot. You can also tell us he is programmer also from 1804 before the computer creation, our situation not change.
Where are bug fix?
Where are new content?
Where is Funcom comunication with us?
Where is Funcom?
I Am happy he is experiencend in programming but i would prefer one less expert but more present. One company more present.
We are left abandoned at our destiny. Our moneys go in other games. 0 (ZERO) used in AoC

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Not to be critical and I do not work in the gaming industry.
But I do work (and have worked in very large corporations with a worldwide presence) and my experience has been the CEO are far removed from the product.

Their view is the overall big picture, individual product lines distilled down by senior or middle managers to a spreadsheet or powerpoint. The new products get more attention and the older products roll along until someone convinces the right people to shine a light.

I hope this will happen someday but my doubts are growing daily.


Just discovered this, and totally suprised. Never knew a compatriot not only worked in the game since its origins, but that he actually became a CEO.

Working in one’s favourite universes… I’m rather jealous now (and a bit depressed to boot).

Unfortunately what Jarafin said in the post above it very true. It also depends of the size of the company, and the fact that a there is a certain distinction between programmer and game designer.

On the other hand, AoC did have a little-little love these last months/years when you analyse it’s recent history (Saga of this, saga of that, etc.). Boosted also by the release of Conan Exiles, it gained a little publicity in the gaming community and video-game journalism.

And publicity is one of the biggest weapons in any medium. As long as the game calls new attention to itself (gamers, bloggers, etc.), it can grow and have the opportunity to be evolved by the developers.

Even if some old players moved on, some new blood came to try the game (‘blood’ is the key word here :slight_smile: ). The small rise in YouTube videos is proof of that, specially now that Moriala and Henryx stopped posting there. Of course, much of the love is maintained by the player base, despite - and because - its squabbles.

I confess I was one of those who thought no one in Funcom still know how the game engine works, or didn’t have the time to read its ‘instruction manual’ anymore. I’m happy to know that there are still possibilites for the game to evolve (ahem… dx12, raytracing? :slight_smile: )

More development could at least sweeten that sour taste when Funcom released the news about the IP contract renovation, making us thinking of new things to AoC, and in the end it was for a different product (Conan Exiles). Kind of what the other company did to their fanbase with that fantasy action-rpg.

Not that more excellent Conan games is a bad thing. :slight_smile:

Please, keep it up, Funcom.


Hey, whats up men, zamora for expansion now pls, your dear Ken. Too much time playing and i cant see the wife of Conan :frowning:


Kaeria is enough. ;D

lol ! she want to kill me noooo!!!
i hope play some day on a big map i love create maps drawing to hand im a commic manga maker and dj producer and i can help if you need a real lover user in aoc.

omg to day i know tencent adquires funcom… please say me good news in aoc im tottally nervious for a new implementations in aoc like a new revamp engine in aoc for a build more content dedicated… i know i know… im dreaming but really i hope something good on this new comings years…

Regrds Djken.

@mushinoshin There is another thread or two buried here somewhere talking about the Tencent acquisition, but essentially it boils down to “nothing is going to change”.

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ok, and sorry for say tencent on this thread… let me continue dreaming with my “finding instance” and PVP option in any map" sorry again :frowning:

Hola DJ Ken,

¿Cómo es el clima de tu viejo amigo de la isla paradisíaca?

Sobre el tema del CEO Rui Casais e incluyendo la compra por parte de Tencent, esta es una discusión abierta. Aquí está la información conocida y parece ser un trato hecho.

“Tras la finalización de la oferta voluntaria, Tencent se convirtió en propietario de 77.365.864 acciones de la empresa, que representan aproximadamente el 95,11% de las acciones y votos de la empresa”, fue el mensaje que Funcom envió a sus accionistas.

Todas las acciones restantes se están comprando y la bolsa de valores de Oslo no cotizará a Funcom, “se eliminará” de la bolsa, y ahora se mantiene como si fuera una empresa privada.

“Después de la adquisición prevista, no hay cambios planificados en la administración, la dotación de personal o la estructura de Funcom, y la empresa seguirá siendo una empresa independiente”, fue el mensaje de Funcom.

Y, debe tenerse en cuenta que el CEO Casais declaró públicamente que ya había 2 miembros de Tencent en la Junta de Funcom. “No hay cambios planeados en la administración, el personal o la estructura de Funcom” parece que Tencent permitirá que la administración actual continúe por el camino rentable.

“Following the completion of the voluntary offering, Tencent became the owner of 77,365,864 shares of the company, representing approximately 95.11% of the shares and votes of the company,” was Funcom’s message to its shareholders.

All the remaining shares are being bought and Funcom will not be listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange, it will be “delisted” from the exchange, and it is now held as a private company.

“After the planned acquisition, there are no planned changes to Funcom’s management, staffing or structure, and the company will remain an independent company,” was Funcom’s message.

And, it should be noted, CEO Casais publicly stated that there were already 2 Tencent members on the Funcom Board. “There are no planned changes to Funcom’s management, staffing or structure”. It appears that Tencent will allow the current management to continue on the profitable path.

CEO Casais has led Funcom through very interesting times and has retained necessary support to continue his vision. Let’s all encourage Age of Conan to grow and remain profitable, too.

Comprendo, gracias por tremenda informacion :slight_smile: para mi seria lo mejor que me pudiese pasar el trabajar algun dia para el juego que amo, he de decir que desde hace un tiempo estoy de moral baja por motivos personales, y entro muy poco al juego, pero si bien es cierto, que amo lo que estan haciendo actualmente con las nuevas implementaciones de juego, espero de todo corazón que continue con esa labor tan maravillosa que estan ejerciendo, como un aporte personal puedo decir que se me da muy bien diseñar.

Thanks for s a supply, just i read this and i want to be form part of the game loved… Actuall y i have a little moral down for a personals issues, and dont have all time for game if not is for get fun no matter what to do… the importatnt is get fun with friends, but all my friends leave it game and more or less im alone on a social staff, is bored play alone, and im t6 and well i love this new implementation in game…I hoper some day cane be work for the game like a designer drawer that is a true dream :blush:

Thanks again for info repport :wink:

Dear DjKen


Muy buen día tenga la comunidad, en especial el señor Rui Casais, hace algún tiempo, que he dejado de jugar al juego y recientemente volví a el para hacer un poco el recorrido mío de misiones… el juego esta tremendamente vacío :cry: es muy triste, vi que hay una promoción de unos seguidores para que el señor Rui Casais atienda a los que quedamos dentro del juego, amamos el juego, y se merece un contenido digno de tan tremenda comunidad, la verdad, que en la trayectoria que he tenido dentro de AOC he vivido tantas situaciones, que desearía revivirlas de algún o que otro modo de manera expansiva… Sueño con reinos negros, zamora… asgard… sueño con una gran expansión desde hace tantísimo tiempo que no veo el día en que mi querido Rui Casais diga: -Venga esta copa va por ellos!!! por lo bien que lo hemos hecho en conan exiles!!! por lo bien que lo estamos haciendo!!! la guinda del pastel no es un sistema de juego nuevo en un juego completamente diferente o un dlc de expansión de un juego que la comunidad no desea mas contenido ahí… Señores míos, tienen ustedes aun la gallina de los huevos de oro!!! Háganla poner huevos para conan unchained!!! veo que aun queda uno mundo entero que no han llegado a ser explotadas dentro del juego como es debido, pero si me dices que vas a poner instancias nuevas y un contenido dentro de un dlc tipo khitai (particularmente te digo: “calla y toma mi dinero”) y como yo te aseguro que un mundo de fanáticos al oír que hay un nuevo contenido volvería para ver de que trata… ya lo vieron en kutchemes!!! volvió la vida durante un tiempo, pero cuando vieron los de fondo que era un farmeo sin fin decidieron sacar el maximo que se puede sacar en cuanto a tokens se refiere, armas equipo etc y tras ello, adiós! volvió el vacío… vacío el cual durante mucho años quise llenar farmeando y construyendo mi castillo de mi guild, pero a fin de cuentas… la paciencia es la paciencia, se desespera uno… he vuelto estos días por aquí por el juego, y te aseguro que sigo teniendo las mismas ganas que desde el primer día, solo con la diferencia de que todos mis amigos y familia se han ido del juego… en alguna ocasión; se alinean los astros y me cruzo con algún compañero de batalla y contamos un poco como nos va… pero eso, genera nostalgia… deriva en un sueño que se repite en mi mente siempre: el cual te ve metido en una batalla campal llena de enemigos poderosos el cual un tier 6 le cueste matarlos… tuve un sueño… nada más… en mi sueño veía a muchos players en un mismo mapa haciendo tanto misiones como pvp… era todo como si de repente se conservara todo lo obtenido hasta la fecha y puedas empezar de nuevo pero con mas nivel llegar a lvl 99 con sus consecuentes talentos… eso seria sublime… bueno, pero como solo es un sueño, solo espero que por aquí el que deba leer estas cosas este conmigo… están firmando una petición para usted señor Rui Casais mas de 300 personas hasta la fecha… espero de todo corazón que usted tenga un gran sentimiento por age of conan unchained así como quienes quedamos dentro también. Yo confío en usted, de todo corazón. No tenga prisa en ello, piénselo, rúmielo todo lo que tenga que cavilar … Llegara a una conclusión muy Humana y es que todo en su esplendor merece una atención, y ahora mismo aoc es lo mas humano que pueda haber en cuanto a juego de rol mmorpg se refiere…

Y bueno, no quiero ser yo un pesado hablando donde no me llaman, pero creo que seria una gran sorpresa encontrarse algo así un día como que ponga age of conan unchained rearmed new dlc aoc content ^^

Da por sentado que desde el e3 que se presento por primera vez el sistema de combate de age of conan y periodo beta aqui un servidor estuvo en el hilo, y por cierto si dios quiere y me da salud estaré para todo lo bueno que esté por venir!!!

Un abrazo enorme a toda la comunidad!!!